The Mexican baseball team has secured its participation in the 2026 World Classic

La Selección Mexicana de Beisbol aseguró su lugar en el Clásico Mundial de 2026 [Twitter/@Mexicobeis

La Selección Mexicana de Beisbol ya se encuentra clasificada para el Clásico Mundial de 2026 en el que buscará mejorar su participación lograda en el torneo de 2023, mismo en el que se quedo a un paso de la final, luego de caer ante Japón en las semifinales por seis carreras contra cinco.

La novena mexicana se posicionó en el tercer lugar del certamen por encima de Cuba, a quien superó con un registro de cuatro triunfos y dos derrotas, contra los tres empates y tres derrotas de los cubanos. Siendo esta la forma de decidir ese puesto final debido a que no existe un duelo directo como ocurre en otros campeonatos o deportes.

El conjunto de Benjamín Gil terminó como líder del grupo C por encima de Estados Unidos, Canadá, Reino Unido y Colombia, algo que le permitió avanzar a la segunda ronda del campeonato y además les aseguró su lugar para la próxima edición del Clásico Mundial de Beisbol en 2026.

Pese a su caída en las semifinales ante Japón, la Selección Mexicana contará con la oportunidad de volver a participar e intentar mejorar lo que se convirtió en su mejor registro hasta ahora. Fue la primera ocasión en el que el equipo de México pudo posicionarse entre los primeros cuatro lugares del certamen.

The ninth Mexican fell in the semi-finals to Japan [Twitter/@Mexicobeis]

In addition to the Mexican ninth, there are 15 national teams who have already qualified for the next edition of the tournament, which will be in 2026. This is becauseThe first four places from the groups get their ticket automatically, thus avoiding the qualifying stage, where only the teams that were at the bottom of their group were left without a chance.

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The other nine places are the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Israel, Cuba, Italy, the Netherlands, Panama, Japan, Australia, South Korea and the Czech Republic. While Chinese Taipei, China, Colombia and Nicaragua are the four teams that should seek their seeding.

The official account of World Classic Baseball It was reported on the date the next contest would be held, which would be three years after the contest just ended. Remember, the time limit between championship and tournament was four years, and it was only between 2006 and 2009 when it was different.

This change of dates may be an attempt to make up for time lost as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused the cancellation of the World Baseball Classic in 2021. The venue has yet to be confirmed due to the fact that that year the NFL will play world Cup of footballalthough this shouldn’t be a problem since the calendar for both competitions is different.

The team led by Benjamin Gil achieved its best record at the 2023 World Classic. Photo: MexicoBeis

The 2026 World Classic will be the sixth edition of the tournament, which was established as a result of a decision International Olympic Committee to eliminate baseball as an Olympic sport, to be reinstated until 2020. Japan is ranked ninth with its first win of three world championships, while the United States and the Dominican Republic have one win each.

Mexican baseball team Participated in all previous editions, which is his best record in the 2023 Championships, where he finished third. The worst was in 2017, where they finished thirteenth, even being eliminated in the first round, and ranked last in their group, which led to their participation in the qualifying round of the recently completed tournament.

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The team was one step away from qualifying for the final against the United States, but JJapan managed to overcome the defect with a kick in the last inning.

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