The latest TikTok trend reveals the toxic side of self-care

(CNN) – After working another weekend shift, Dr. Jessica Gould came home exhausted and gave in to her urge to watch TV and sleep most of the day.

As Gen Z says, he was rotting in bed [bed rotting].

Gold is one of the many TikTok users have Announced in the latest viral self-care termwhere users post videos of themselves curled up under layers of blankets, often with a phone or a snack on hand.

According to Gould, associate professor of psychiatry at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, the expression describes staying in bed all day by choosing, “rotting” in it.

She said, “I think it’s okay to do it if you need to, and I’ve allowed myself to, as long as you understand why you’re doing it and use your other coping skills as well.”

Snuggling in bed is like having a lazy day, Gould says, but it’s “more of a static term, with less activity.”

He said that during a lazy day, you can continue to do activities that you find enjoyable and relaxing, and perhaps spend time with friends and family.

Take control of your mental health

At first glance, slowing down to recharge, refresh, and reset is likely to have many benefits, says psychologist Simon A. Rego, MD, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Albert Einstein College of Medicine and chair of psychology and director of psychological training at Montefiore Medical Center in New York. .

However, balance is important to well-being. Spending too much time lying in bed can ruin your mood and increase stress, said Rigo, who is also the director of Montefiore’s CBT Training Program.

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“Be vigilant and avoid overdoing it, no matter how flat you feel in the moment,” he said.

Being in bed for more than a day or two is worrying, Gold said, and can indicate a number of different mental health issues.

“The urge to curl up in bed all day, especially if it occurs more and more often, likely has more to do with more than compensating for sleep or needing a day without doing anything, but avoiding the sensations, stress or pain of being awake.”

Gold added that this type of behavior is linked to symptoms of depression and anxiety, among other mental illnesses.

Your sleep habits may be at risk

Bed rot can affect more than just your mental health: It can also negatively affect your sleep.

From a sleep science standpoint, “Slathering in bed is the opposite of what we want people to do,” says Kelly Glazer-Barron, MD, assistant clinical professor of family and preventive medicine at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City.

It should only be the bed Used for sleep and intimacyNot for activities such as watching TV, working or eating.

As a general guideline, if you haven’t fallen asleep within 30 minutes of falling asleep or are awake for more than 20 minutes during the night, get out of bed, says Barron.

If you want to relax somewhere comfortable, choose a comfortable sofa or chair, he recommended.

“Feeling tired after a long day is normal, but if it interferes with work, social life, or other important activities, it’s a good idea to discuss your symptoms with a doctor,” he said.

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Activities outside the “rotten bed”

Gold said bed staleness can allow you to isolate yourself, ignore your feelings, and possibly prevent you from engaging in self-care activities that could help you.

Recharge activities can energize us and “better prepare us for the inevitable stresses we face on a daily basis,” Rego said.

But don’t feel pressured to engage in an activity that someone else finds relaxing, he said, because “one person’s activity can be another person’s chore.” Instead, learn the coping skills you want to do and think of them as hobbies, Gold said.

Some options, she said, include hanging out with a friend, practicing mindfulness, or practicing mindfulness.

If you don’t feel like leaving the house, Gold said, try reading a book or a diary instead of watching TV.

It may also be helpful to talk to a therapist. Therapy can help you learn new coping skills, Gould said, get to the root cause of your musty bed and determine if there’s a mental health issue at work.

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