The judge orders medical attention for Teófilo Zaga Tawil, who is imprisoned for Infonavit fraud

A federal judge awarded the businessman Teofilo Zaga the Longimprisoned for Infonavit fraudSuspension of the plan and judgment of office in a trial protection which he handled against solitary confinement and lack of medical care Inside the “Adolfo López Mateos” medical center, in Toluca, which has authorities under it Altiplano Prisonfor various diseases.

Despite the fact that the suit articulates arguments “underlying the ambiguous and contradictory acts” that must be clarified, the President of the Third District Court in Amparo Matters and Federal Trials of the State of Mexico, Everardo Mayas Arias, has granted protection to the Employer’s remedy where said business ceases the above immediately and provide him with the medical services, treatments and medicines he needs, according to the clinical condition he presents and according to his medical file.

The foregoing, in order to preserve the basic rights of Zaja Tawil, who has been detained since 2021 in the Altiplano prison, after his arrest for organized crime and money laundering related to irregular compensation for the 5 billion pesos he made in the past. For six years at Telra Realty, of which he was part of the Board of Directors.

With regard to solitary confinement, the judge specified that the suspension decision is to allow the businessman to communicate with their family members and lawyers, in accordance with the conditions, modalities and restrictions stipulated in the various laws.

“In addition, for the purpose of promptly communicating in writing with their attorneys, relatives and/or responsible persons, information regarding the immediate complainant’s current state of health and treatment given clearly and understandably to a person who does not have a background in medical sciences.”

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Likewise, the judge indicated that the family should be informed at least once, in an inconspicuous manner, of the development presented by the businessman, who indicated that he was suffering from various diseases, such as pneumonia.

However, the Third Circuit Judge in Amparo Matters and Federal Trials in the State of Mexico, Everardo Mayas Arias, asked the lawyer for the businessman, Arturo German Rangel, to clarify the actions he alleges, as well as the actions that led to him. .

“The order issued to maintain solitary confinement is required; limited medical assistance; the order to obtain information about his health condition for the complainant’s relatives, and not to allow him to visit or communicate with direct relatives.” (.) However, later arguing that the reference hospital provides only basic medical care, the complainant “came to provide pictures of pneumonia” arguing that for this reason he might need specialized medical attention; Without providing a reliable factual account from which the reason for his stay in the said hospital can be deduced. That is, the proprio petitioner says they are limiting medical care to the direct complainant, without knowing if this is happening and without knowing the current and true reason for his being in the hospital,” said the federal judge.

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