The institution that seeks to bridge the gender gap in science

The Covid-19 pandemic has left us to see that the scientific world still lacks a lot of female participation.

On Tomorrow will be another day we talked with Maitxu Larraechea, president of Ingeniosa, a foundation that proposes bridging the gender gap between science, technology and girls.

To start the conversation, Larraechea commented on this “Women participate in science at 30%. In technology companies only 4%.”

The Ingeniosa chief stated that part of this low participation is due to various factors that begin to develop from childhood.

On this Maitxu Larraechea commented that “These problems are multifactorial. They have to do with how science is taught to girls.”

“There is a cultural bias, as teachers or parents often expect girls to have lower scientific skills”The President of the Ingeniosa Foundation added.

Along the same lines, the expert stated that adults have different expectations about girls’ development.

“We raise boys and girls differently, and this can be seen from the games. We protect girls a lot, while boys can do other things”, says Maitetxu Larraechea.

You have to match the field

On the other hand, the President of the Ingeniosa Foundation stated that it is up to us to remove these gender gaps. All this work and create a new vision for girls.

This is because “We expect less from them and that is why we ask them less. For example, we pay less attention to their questions.”

Finally, he mentioned that part of the foundation’s job is to level the field.

“We are working to show girls that science and technology are another way. Change their perceptions and expand their choices for the future,” concluded Maitxu Larraechea, President of Ingeniosa.

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