The Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Rosario National University will hold a conference on science and technology

Until next April 15th is the deadline for submission of works in thematic areas such as agricultural sciences and natural resources, rural development, animal production, plant production and protection, and food technology, which you would like to present at the Seventh Conference on Science and Technology and the first Argentina-Chile meeting of agricultural sciences, which Organized by the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Concepcion and the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the National University of Rosario, Argentina.

The initiative targets undergraduate and graduate students and teachers related to agricultural sciences from various universities. “Undergraduate and postgraduate students who have made progress in their research and who wish to announce partial or final results in different areas, such as: agricultural energy and environment, biosafety, environment and biodiversity, agricultural economics, science education, can submit research papers. Agriculture and Science Natural, rural extension and development, agricultural machinery and rural facilities, genetic improvement and biotechnology, gender perspectives in agricultural sciences, animal production, plant production and protection, information and communication technology, soil and water technology, and food technology,” explained the Academy, Dr. Valeria Velasco.

According to the teacher, “This is an opportunity for students to share and discuss their progress and experiences in their research in a virtual way, providing lower cost and, therefore, greater ease of participation in international events. It is an interesting challenge to participate in these instances that makes it possible to publicize the results of the research being conducted. conducted in agricultural sciences, deepening academic cooperation between institutions of different countries and promoting students’ professional development.”

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Finally, Dr. Valeria Velasco emphasized the importance of the college’s promotion of this kind of activity. “The Faculty of Agricultural Engineering of the University of Concepción (Chile) has concluded multi-year cooperation agreements with the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, National University of Rosario (Argentina). Postgraduate courses and exchange of undergraduate students have been carried out. On this occasion, the two faculties are jointly organizing the 7th FCA Science and Technology Conference – United Nations And the first meeting between Argentina and Chile on agricultural sciences, which is an internationalization opportunity for both colleges.For both academics and students in the agricultural engineering profession, this case allows them to learn about the work that is being carried out in other countries, strengthen our disciplines and deepen our relationship with the College of Agricultural Sciences of the United Nations “.

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