The INE Institute in Tlaxcala implements the exercise using a modern electronic ballot box for the process of selecting the Queen of the Tocatlán Fair

Three electronic ballot boxes of version 7.0, used to vote Mexicans abroad and during the recent local electoral process in the states of Mexico and Coahuila, were installed this Thursday by the National Electoral Institute (INE) to choose the queen of the show. Tocatlan municipality.

The exercise was carried out in an agile way and with immediate results, at Campus 29 of the Center for Scientific and Technological Studies of Tlaxcala (CECYTE), located in the seat of the municipality of Tocatlan, in which a total of 487 students from this sub-discipline as well as from Technical High School No. 6 participated in it.

With obvious curiosity and emotion, one by one, the primary level students voted for one of the four co-candidates – Aranza Leon Hernandez, Valeria Bonilla Ramos, Carla Denis Escalante Alonso and Yerem Esmeralda Avendagno Luna – for the crown. Representing her municipality during the patron saint celebrations.

The teachers, as well as the municipal authorities involved in organizing the elections, recognized the speed of selection that these technological mechanisms allow, because, without a doubt, they gave the possibility of completing the elections in a short time, compared to what was installing, voting and calculating the results through the traditional ballot box.

The electronic ballot box improves times and gives accurate and flexible results: Garduño

After making electronic ballot boxes available to all social sectors for whatever optional exercise they require, Myrna Eugenia Guarduino Ruiz has realized that these new ballot boxes, completely digital, are an important and innovative advance that improves times and gives agile and accurate results.

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He pointed out that these ballot boxes were provided to the entity by the Executive Directorate for Electoral Organization, with the aim of citizens knowing and using them during school and/or social elections, as well as companies, trade union organizations or any other kind.

“At INE, we are sure that this type of technological tool should be closer to the citizens and that they appropriate their use and utility, because it will certainly be the way their authorities are elected,” he explained.

Garduño Ruiz has stated that among the advantages offered by electronic ballot boxes is that they are easy to transport, do not require Internet service, and do not require a large number of people to install and use them; In addition, the results are obtained practically instantly and leave no doubt that the premise: “One person, one vote” has been fulfilled.

Within two hours and without setbacks they chose the queen

Without complications and with the results automatically thrown up by the 7.0 polls, the voting public and other attendees knew that Carla Dennis Escalante Alonso was chosen to represent her municipality in the 2023 edition of the Employer Fair, receiving a total of 204 votes. Meanwhile, second place was won by Yarim Esmeralda Avendagno Luna, for whom she scored 182 votes. While Aranza Leon Hernandez added 76 ballots to his case, and Valeria Bonilla Ramos, 25 to hers.

Before the candidates’ representatives, the results were recorded and later displayed in full view of those attending the election event, who were satisfied with the quick and accurate nature of the election.

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