The Health Sciences Conference will be held in Rosario

The Health Sciences Conference will be held on October 26 and 27 in the city of Rosario, under the slogan “Together We Learn Better,” and will bring together leading experts and representatives of the public and private sectors at the national and international levels.

The conference is organized by the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad Interamericana (UAI) – Buenos Aires and Rosario headquarters and in association with the Faculty of Health Sciences of the UAP. The activities will be carried out simultaneously in two places in the city of Rosario, the Hall of the Stock Exchange and the Roca headquarters of UAI. Participation in the conference is free and requires prior registration.

This new meeting constitutes a call for first-level training in health, which can be accessed free of charge by all health professionals, students and the general public.

“This conference aims to initiate thinking about future medicine and disseminate normal, functional and pathological macro- and micro-morphological knowledge applied to health sciences, linked to the medical, motor, imaging, nutritional, psychological, clinical, surgical and other fields that, from law, administration, computing and economics are related to health” says Dr. Alejandro Botbol, ​​Dean of the Inter-American University School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

This new multidisciplinary meeting will address topics of great importance in the field of health, such as the crisis of the medical residency system, medicine in extreme conditions, and the impact of artificial intelligence in health sciences. Roundtable discussions, lectures and workshops will be held, aiming to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date perspective on the challenges and opportunities in this field.

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Likewise, academic and educational integration activities and extensions will be part of the conference, which will be carried out by foreign speakers, students, teachers, graduates and researchers from the medical profession and different degrees such as bio-imaging, surgical instrumentation, psychology and related professions. Health field of the Inter-American Open University, the Adventista del Plata University and the invited universities.

“The importance of the contributions of the participants, which will be circulated in the university community through in-person and virtual presentations of topics and free conferences, will allow their transfer to the social community.” Dr. Botball.

In relation to the work carried out by the University in the field of health, UAI continues to actively contribute to the expansion of knowledge and professionalization of the sector, and in line with this modernity, one of the key relevant developments achieved by UAI has emerged over recent times, without a doubt, the innovative University Hospital 4.0 . It is a first-class center that integrates various units that allow training of medical skills and abilities without exposing the patient to danger. It is one of the first centers in the region to use these technologies.

In this way, the University considers and guarantees for its students at the Faculty of Medicine a simulation-based medical education as a field within health sciences teaching, which is growing rapidly in Argentina and throughout the world.

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