The head of Google's AI department is at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences

Vatican City, March 9 – Pope Francis appointed head of Google's artificial intelligence subsidiary, Demis Hassabisa new lay member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, the Holy See confirmed on Friday.

Hassabis (London, 1976) is co-founder and CEO of Google DepMind.

Among the awards he has received in his career, as an expert in computer science and neuroscience, as well as as a chess player, is the Order of Pius XI of the Pontifical Academy.

This Vatican institution was founded in 1936, but its origins go back to the seventeenth century.

It is made up of academics from around the world and follows the development of science, technology and bioethics and their eventual application to global problems.

Pope Francis is closely following the rise of artificial intelligence, a topic he carefully focused on in his message for the recent World Day of Peace, broadcast last December.

The Pope, who frequently appears in photographs taken using this technology, warned of the dangers that misuse of artificial intelligence could pose to peace and human survival.

In this sense, the international community called for efforts to be used to resolve conflicts and grievances.

Likewise, he appointed five more new members to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.

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Among these is Uruguayan Rafael Radi Isola, Director of the Department of Biochemistry at the University of the Republic of Montevideo.

The other academics are UCL astrophysics professor Andrea Mia Ghez.

Likewise, Orjan Mikael Gustafsson from Environmental Sciences at Stockholm University.

As well as physics at Cambridge, Didier Patrick Queloz, and applied mathematics at Cape Town, Pathmanathan Dayanand Reddy.

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