“The government seeks to expand airline connectivity” | Daily menu

Tourism Minister David Collado traveled last Friday to Washington, D.C., where he spoke with US Transportation Secretary Peter Buttigieg and a large panel of his team about Dominican Airlines’ air connectivity in the United States. Countries.joined.

At the meeting, Minister Buttigieg expressed his satisfaction with working with the Dominican Republic on aviation issues and seeking to conclude agreements that benefit both countries.

For the Tourism Cabinet, headed by President Luis Abinader, the priority is to strengthen air connectivity for Dominican airlines so they can have equal conditions with American airlines, taking into account that three million North Americans visit the country every year, Collado said. General More than 2.3 million Dominicans live in the United States.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reports to the United States Secretary of Transportation and is the body responsible for aviation safety and regulations. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) operates the airspace traffic control system.

The Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Transportation, is responsible for providing a fast, safe, efficient, accessible and convenient transportation system; Among other areas.

During the visit of the US Secretary of Transportation, Peter Buttigieg Collado noted that he had given him a book by Fray Anton de Montesinos, “explaining to him the importance that this monument represents to the history of our country, being the place where “the first cry in favor of human rights in the New World.” In return, “she gave us The secretary had some sweets made from the fruit known as rupé de indiana.Colado explained that the secretary was the mayor of South Bend, Indiana.

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According to a report published in the Department of Transportation, U.S. airlines carried 87.8 million passengers in scheduled service over the system (domestic and international) in July 2023, according to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS). When adjusted for seasonality, July shipments are 0.3% higher than June and 6.0% lower than the all-time high reached in January 2020, the document says.

BTS reported 75.4 million domestic passengers and 12.4 million international passengers on American Airlines flights in July, not seasonally adjusted.

The Department of Transportation (DOT) BTS follows punctuality for domestic flights operated by major airlines. Summary information on the number of on-time, delayed, canceled and diverted flights appears in the Department of Transportation’s monthly Air Travel Consumer Report, which is published approximately 30 days after the end of the month, as well as in summary tables posted on the website. BTS began collecting details on the causes of flight delays in June 2003. The portal notes that summary statistics and preliminary data are publicly available at the time of publication of the Consumer Report on Air Travel.


According to data from SITUR/MITUR, from the Ministry of Tourism of the Dominican Republic, the main airlines flying to the country are primarily JetBlue, American Airlines, Copa, Sky, Delta, Spirit and Arageet. The United States leads the “top” foreign visitors from 15 sending countries, with Canada in second place; Followed by Colombia, Spain, Puerto Rico, Argentina, the United Kingdom, Chile, Germany, Brazil, Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela.[undatosdelSITUR/MITURdelMinisteriodeTurismodeRepúblicaDominicanalasprincipalesaerolíneasqueviajanalpaísestáconformadoenprimerlugarporJetBlueAmericanAirlinesCopaSkyDeltaSpirityArajetEstadosUnidosliderael“top”devisitantesextranjerosprovenientesde15paísesemisorescomoCanadáensegundolugar;seguidodeColombiaEspañaPuertoRicoArgentinaReinoUnidoChileAlemaniaBrasilMéxicoPerúyVenezuela[undatosdelSITUR/MITURdelMinisteriodeTurismodeRepúblicaDominicanalasprincipalesaerolíneasqueviajanalpaísestáconformadoenprimerlugarporJetBlueAmericanAirlinesCopaSkyDeltaSpirityArajetEstadosUnidosliderael“top”devisitantesextranjerosprovenientesde15paísesemisorescomoCanadáensegundolugar;seguidodeColombiaEspañaPuertoRicoArgentinaReinoUnidoChileAlemaniaBrasilMéxicoPerúyVenezuela

54.46% of tourists arrive from the United States.

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Department support


In preparation for the holiday travel season and to celebrate the 37th anniversary of the Air Carrier Accessibility Act (ACAA), the Department of Transportation launched a campaign, #AccessibleAirTravel, about the right of air travelers with disabilities to travel by air in a safe, dignified, and appropriate manner. Accessible method.

“For the Tourism Cabinet, it is a priority to enhance air connectivity for Dominican airlines.”

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