The government and the Professional Council for Forest Sciences are working to conserve forests

The government and the Professional Council for Forest Sciences are working to conserve forests

They addressed progress in the regional wetland inventory, land-use planning proposals and projects to implement new academic offerings in forest sciences.

On Thursday, Governor Jorge Kapetanić, with Under Secretary of the Ministry of Environment and Biodiversity, Paula Sonera, received members of the Professional Council of Forestry Sciences in Chaco to agree on a common agenda for action regarding forest conservation.

Senera explained that progress is being positively made in preparing the regional inventory of the Chaco Wetlands among the province’s environment and biodiversity zone along with the council. It is a tool for environmental management and planning for the territory, which seeks to protect and conserve 508,000 hectares of Chaco Wetlands declared as Ramsar Site (No. 1366) of international importance and which concentrates on the largest area of ​​wetlands in the country.

“We started some time ago with an inventory of lakes, estuaries and wetlands and added an update to the inventory of palm trees, which are among the most prominent types of forests in the Chaco wetlands,” the official said.

On the other hand, the Undersecretary celebrated the recent announcement of the nation’s environment ministry to raise the Forest Law funding to 10 billion pesos for this year. Senera considered it “a great initiative for the nation to finance the provinces in conservation, protection and sustainable use of forests.”

They also analyzed the possibility of incorporating the forest engineering profession in Uncaus (based in Sáenz Peña), since it is an important requirement of the province and the region.

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Walter Lescano (Chair), Sebastian Case, Diego Jara and Miguel Gonzalez participated in the meeting on behalf of the entity that brings together professionals from the sector.

More professionals

For his part, Walter Lescano highlighted the progress of the meeting in which the entity presented to the governor a draft law on professional practice in the province and a proposal for planning land uses to work in coordination with the province’s mandate.

Regarding the project to create a forest engineering profession, he emphasized that there is a great demand for specialists in forest sciences, within the framework of the programs implemented by Chaco for the conservation of the environment.

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