The first day of the international symposium addressed the challenges of financing in higher education

  • During Thursday’s session, there were presentations by two international experts who addressed the role of public education in the sustainable development of countries and the experiences of other governments regarding financing reform.
  • Activities continue on Friday with a speech by the Undersecretary of Higher Education, Victor Orellana, explaining the modernization process, as well as discussions on topics such as gender gaps and inclusive, equal and sustainable development.

Today, the first day of the international symposium “Higher Education: Modernization and Sustainable Human Development” was launched, organized by the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Higher Education, which aims to discuss, analyze and delve into the modernization agenda implemented by the Ministry of Education in various countries of the world. Aspects of institutional management, academic training and financing.

The activity was attended by the Minister of Education, Nicolas Cataldo; Undersecretary of Higher Education, Victor Orellana; Superintendent of Higher Education José Miguel Salazar; The President of the National Council of Education, Luz Maria Budge, and the President of the University of Chile, Rosa Davies, had, among others, two prominent academics associated with the world of education as international guests: Simon Marginson, Professor of Higher Education at the University of Oxford, Director of the ESRC/RE Center for Global Higher Education (CGHE) and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Higher Education; And Marshall Steinbaumprofessor of economics at the University of Utah, and senior fellow in finance at the Jane Family Institute for Higher Education.

In his initial greeting, Minister Nicolás Cataldo explained that “this space represents an opportunity to delve deeper into the debate about what reform priorities our system in Chile needs to better contribute to this sustainability agenda, which is not just a national agenda; But it is also a global agenda. The four pillars of this discussion today will be the general and strategic purposes of higher education, modernizing teaching, financing, and democratization. Axes Reflecting the key policy areas of our Undersecretary, I would like to highlight our commitment to improving teaching methodologies, as well as ensuring democratic access and restructuring institutional funding mechanisms.

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For his part, the Undersecretary of Higher Education, Victor Orellana, appreciated the space available to reflect on the challenges facing the portfolio, and also stressed that “higher education in Chile will not be able to meet the challenges of the new productive cycle of growth recovery.” The economic, productivity, social and cultural challenges of a democratic society oriented towards sustainable, if not modernized, human development. These spaces for dialogue, conversation and debate are essential to guide the government’s efforts to put education at the service of the regions. We know that it is the basis of growth and we are putting our efforts on that. It remains for me only to thank, in addition to the invitation, the participation and willingness of the various actors that make up our higher education system, as well as the international guests, whose opinions, perceptions and perspectives on these topics bring us closer to a consensus that allows us to implement this modernization project in a flawless manner. better.

Simon Marginson, one of the international guests who opened the symposium series of talks by talking about “Restoring the Public Goods of Higher Education”, while thanking him for the invitation, reflected on how higher education was conducted in other parts of the world.

In this regard, he explained that “Samuelson’s formula (the American economist) inspired the commercialization of higher education and the reduction of state funding. It also affects the state’s responsibility to provide public goods. This has happened in Australia, the United Kingdom, and of course in Chile (…). For neoliberalism, higher education has special benefits, which translate into future income and increased employment opportunities. But its social benefits are overlooked: its role in enhancing collective efforts, in scientific understanding and technological change, in promoting societies more tolerant of social differences.

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In addition to the above, a discussion took place on the modernization of higher education in institutional and academic matters, detailing the needs and challenges to achieve human and sustainable development, in which the Undersecretary of Higher Education, Victor Orellana, Supervisor of Higher Education, José Miguel Salazar, and the President of the National Council of Education, Luz María Budge, participated. , and President of the University of Chile, Rosa Davies.

Regarding the panel discussions, University President Davis explained that “what makes the university authentic, and what we must preserve, is its ability to self-produce and generate knowledge. For this it is necessary to strengthen communicative connection, the ability to dialogue and generate empathic relationships, secular intellectual practices, and how to think.” Academic activity.

Challenges in financing

During the afternoon, the point of discussion was funding for higher education. In this regard, Marshall Steinbaum, who presented his research on “Lessons Learned from the American Experience with Student Debt and Higher Education Policy Since the Financial Crisis,” referred to the North American experience in financing and how it has worked in recent years: “In the United States, every reform of the system has… Higher education funding since 2010 has weakened expectations that student loans will be fully repaid. […] This leads to public policy slowly heading towards disaster. My recommendation is that countries should not have student loan systems to finance education.

Later, there was a discussion on “Credit System in Chile. Challenges and Reforms”, whose panel consisted of Carlos Williamson, researcher at the Latin American Center for Economic and Social Policies of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile; Victor Salas, professor at the Faculty of Management and Economics of the University of Santiago. , Chile; Roxana P., academic at the University of Chile and researcher at the National Center for Alternative Development (CENDA); and Héctor Ríos Jara, PhD in Social Sciences from University College London and Cabinet Advisor to the Undersecretary for Higher Education.

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In this regard, Williamson, in addition to valuing these spaces for dialogue, reflected in his presentation entitled “CAE, Time for Action,” that “the bank keeps the less risky loans and transfers the riskier loans to the state. Instead, I would consider a credit plan issued by the state and subject to The social and economic status of students.

For Friday’s session, three panel discussions are expected to take place on topics related to the gender approach, as well as highlighting inclusive, equitable and sustainable development in Chile, and teaching. The first is titled “Modernization with a Gender Focus in Higher Education,” while the second will be about “Towards Inclusive, Equal and Sustainable Development in Higher Education.”

Finally, Undersecretary Victor Orellana will deliver a lecture explaining the scope of the modernization agenda promoted by the Undersecretary of Higher Education.

Tags: General education, higher education, minidoc, educational revitalization

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