The Faculty of Exact Sciences of UJED participated in the National Conference – El Sol de Durango

Professors from the Faculty of Exact Sciences of the University of Juárez, Durango (FACE-UJED), presented papers in areas such as logic, algebra, code theory and its applications, and general communication in mathematics, at the 56th National Congress of the Mexican Mathematical Society.

The conference, which took place from October 23 to 27 this year, was held at the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi (UASLP), where teachers and students presented relevant papers and were responsible for coordinating the topology session.

For his part, College Director Armando Mata Romero stated that in the field of mathematics education as well, a professor from the Juarista Academic Unit played important roles as a coordinator of round tables and special sessions and a member of the Scientific Committee.

There were three teachers who gave lectures and one gave a workshop, but student participation was also outstanding, with 15 students from the college giving lectures and posters in areas including algebra, topology, mathematical education, statistics, probability and discrete mathematics. .

It was pointed out that it was a distinguished participation of the college, in this 56th National Conference, which strengthened its presence among the mathematical community at the national level, as it was an event organized by the Mexican Mathematical Association, and that on this occasion it was held in the Cultural Center of the Bicentennial University and the Potosino Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation of the UASLP. .

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