The Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Granada cooperates with ONCE on a modified educational path

The Faculty of Educational Sciences at the University of Granada participated in the Educational itinerary For members of ONCE Discover the city and its history through sculpture, which has collaborated with UGR Professor Andres Palma Valenzuela

A group of schoolchildren affiliated with ONCE participated in the itinerary with blindnessthe visually impaired or deaf-blind, who took an approach to the city and its history in a way that suited their needs.

For this activity, cooperation with the University of Granada was carried out thanks to the help of the professor at the Faculty of Education Sciences Andres Palma Valenzuelafrom the Department of Social Science Education, who has made his interpretations and readings of poetry part of his city’s history accessible to students.

All participants were able to discover the sculptures and history of important figures in Granada. Touch was the main resource, but new technologies were also used (mobile and tablet). The activity had the support of the specific Teaching Assistance Team for students with visual impairments in Granada.

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