The Cuban government is lifting the ban on certain foods of animal origin entering the country

he Cuban government It is allowed from August 1 to enter a country Foods of animal origin for human consumption, which until then were prohibited or regulated.

Official Gazette Granma He said the measure was aimed at countering “the intensification of the harsh economic blockade imposed by the United States government against Cuba,” without mentioning Economic decisions that led to a sharp decline in food production, such as prioritizing investment in tourism at the expense of sectors such as agriculture. Nor does he mention that the United States is today the main supplier of chicken consumed in Cuba.

Products such as fresh fish and shellfish It may be imported from any country after relaxation authorized by it Animal Health Centre (dinner) Ministry Of Agriculture (MINAG), according to an updated list that Regulates what travelers They could take it to the island, and even before August, seafood was only allowed in if it arrived packaged.

Among the actions to alleviate the “current food deficit”, the Cuban authorities now also allow dry food in For non-commercial pets and under certain conditions. I think it can contain poultry, pork, fish and vegetables as a protein base, But those that include meals for ruminants are forbidden.

Regarding Liquid milk and its derivatives No changes: they can enter the country as long as they are pasteurized. systems For pasteurized ripe cheeses or cheeses made from ultra-pasteurized milk It also remains unchanged, with access from any origin.

Other products included in the new import “facilities” are:

Canned (canned) meat from cows and swine, duly identified and recognized trademarks, from France, Spain, Portugal, the United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay.

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-Memorizes Poultry meat (canned)duly identified and recognized brands, from Spain, France, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Brazil and Uruguay.

Fresh, frozen, dried or salted meat and edible offaland semi-finished meat products (hamburgers; minced meat; dumplings. In the form of meat sticks and breaded products; raw sausage; steak; margins; Raw pork, raw pepperoni, fermented bacon, over roasts, pepperoni, cervelattes and other raw fermented products). also Semi-cooked, vacuum-packed cow, pig, sheep and goat productsBrands identified and duly recognized, from France, Spain, Portugal, USA, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay.

fresh, frozen, dried or salted meat, Edible offal, semi-finished meat products (hamburgers, minced meat, meatballs, meat sticks, nuggets and other baked goods, salami, pasta spread), semi-cooked and vacuum-packed products of poultry origin, duly identified and from commercial Recognized brands, from France, Spain, Honduras, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Brazil and Uruguay.

Also includedSausages made of beef and/or pork”, from SpainPortugal, USA, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica, Colombia, Nicaragua, Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. Sausages made from poultry are also allowed, on a temporary basis, from Honduras, Panama, Costa Rica, Colombia, Nicaragua, Brazil and Uruguay.

AndOfficial Gazette Granma Share the story with the explanations in the official document: “This is explained in the document that The facilities for importing products are determined by the country in which they are manufactured or produced. Therefore, the list of eligible countries is presented by country which is reflected on the product labels.

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The Cuban government has facilitated the entry of food and medicine for travelers arriving in Cuba, given the country’s food crisis.

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