The construction project of the College of Health Sciences building is progressing

The City Council of Talavera has agreed to grant the Public Treasury for Social Security a municipal license to subdivide a plot of land it owns where a new building for the Faculty of Health Sciences will be built. As a spokesperson for the government team explained, the procedure is directed to a farm located in the area of ​​the General Hospital Nuestra Senora del Prado, an area where there is a new building for the Faculty of Health Sciences at UCLMen Talavera.

The site on which this building will be located, which has an area of ​​2352.82 square meters, is owned by the Public Treasury of Social Security, and after changing the use from toilet to teaching, this separation license is issued for the land to be allotted. Used for building health sciences building. Once the public treasury registers that chapter in the property registry, it will go back to the city council, in this case, to UCLM, for the construction of that building.

As Bellon mentioned, the university has already submitted the project and it has been approved by the city council, with which they continue all urban planning procedures that this type of work entails.

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