The Colombian government creates an initiative to boost the people’s economy

The initiative, called Full Popular, foresees initial resources of 10 billion pesos, or about $3 million.

“What we want in this government is for the people they call the ‘marginalized’ to enjoy power, and this is a complete change in relations, because democracy is built from that and peace is built,” the president said.

Petro said that democracy is nothing more than the power of the people, and in this sense, if his government wants a democratic Colombia, it does not mean just going to elections, and it does not mean voting for some people several times to sell votes, and this means that the people of the city have power every day.

Regarding the concepts of the formal economy and the informal economy, he affirmed that they are wrong concepts and questioned the persecution of street vendors and the expulsion of peasants from their lands.

“The government of change does not divide society between formal and informal. It talks about hardworking people who work independently or who work in factories or companies, who get paid for it, and who make the company’s fortune.

He said that the popular economy seeks to empower the Colombian people so that “they can operate with knowledge, credit, spaces, decision-making capacity and connectedness”.

He pointed out that this is where we want to frame the empowerment of the popular economy with SENA whose role is to disseminate this knowledge in the work of the grassroots sectors.

Therefore, SENA cannot only provide training courses. And Sina should resume its mission in vocational and technological education in order to link this knowledge to the popular economy.

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