The College of Science warns that the zero increase in the budget will “affect” with “special force” on R&D activities | newspaper

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The Council of the Faculty of Sciences has expressed its “grave concern” about the 7.6% budget cut that could occur if the University of the Republic (AUDILAR) does not get a budget increase in the parliamentary debate on the accountability project.

As indicated in a statement, if a budget “cut” occurs, it will “in particular force” the research and development activities conducted in the institution, as in others, which will “significantly” make it difficult to integrate students And young researchers in the national scientific system “at the same time will involve significant losses in the salaries of university employees.”

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In this sense, they referred to the participation of Udelar-trained researchers during the course of the covid-19 health emergency: “The fight to control the Covid epidemic has been one of the clearest indications that the capabilities and knowledge generated by Udelar constitute one of the essential tools that the country must face in facing the challenges future decades.

In this sense, they advocated a “reflection” in which the “need” to further deepen students’ “pathways of integration and continuity” in scientific training and “university life” through “continuous improvement” of academic offer, such as as well as scholarship support.

Likewise, they are calling for the “severe consequences” in the short, medium and long term that the “stagnation” of youth integration processes into the country’s research system has had.

Finally, they point to the country’s “urgent need” to bolster a “robust” research system, which, based on “the solidity afforded by Audelard’s rich history and experience, offers better possibilities for socially equitable and environmentally sustainable development and with better prospects for our country’s integration into the world”.

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