The bill was put into circulation in honor of Argentine science

Buenos Aires, May 22 (Prensa Latina) Today, the Central Bank of Argentina put into circulation a bill of two thousand pesos in honor of the personalities and institutions of science and medicine in this country.

The initiative recognizes the work of the National Laboratory Administration and the Carlos G. Malbrán Institute of Microbiology, and honors physicians Cecilia Grierson (1859-1934) and Ramon Carrillo (1906-1956).

The bank highlighted in its statement that the higher category bill will improve the operation of ATMs and at the same time improve cash transfer.

In addition, he explained that it has elements to ensure security and includes a new identification code with remarkable tactile comfort for the blind.

Founded in 1893, the institute is a decentralized public body whose primary mission is to participate in scientific and technical policy relating to health aspects of the public sphere and the study of infectious diseases.

Such important figures as Nobel laureates Bernardo Houssay (1887-1971) and Cesar Milstein (1927-2002) worked there.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, specialists have been instrumental in finding cases and analyzing samples.

For her part, Grierson became the first woman doctor in Argentina after graduating in 1886 from the University of Buenos Aires.

She was an obstetrician and kinesiologist, but the prevailing masculinity at the time prevented her from practicing surgery as well, despite having the title of this specialty.

She devoted a large part of her life to teaching and fighting for women’s rights; She created the first school of nursing in Latin America and was the founder of the country’s medical association.

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Carrillo was a neurosurgeon, neurobiologist and this nation’s first Minister of Health.

He made a huge shift in the sector starting from the social concept of medicine.

He encouraged the fight against epidemics such as typhus and brucellosis, was able to significantly reduce the infant mortality rate and strengthened the need for vaccinations.


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