The alliance between MinCiencias and the United States seeks to support micro, small and medium enterprises

The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation will work in Promote strategies that connect international allies with the Productive processes in the country, in three main thematic lines.

he MinCiencias, the American Chamber of Commerce and eleven North American corporations, A meeting was held to manage joint cooperation strategies, where the main axes were Intellectual property, digital transformation strategy and business mission.

We’ve had a dialogue with representatives of the American Chamber of Commerce and myself Eleven US companies have a presence in Colombia We talked with them about the joint work we should do and also about the possibility of developing a trade mission to the United States,” said Science Minister Arturo Luna.

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Likewise, the head of the Science Profile highlighted development and technologies made in colombia, prone to investment by the private sector.

According to the Ministry of Science, SMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) at the heart of the strategy, In order to support financial inclusion and digital skills training, Especially in rural areas. This goal is the same as in Columbia Business Council – USwith a view to enhancing the capacity for E-Commerce by Mypyme.

Cesar Vance, Executive Director of the American Chamber of Commerce. His most notable work is his many coincidences with columbia on issues such as food security, energy transition, connectivity, Protect the environment, get health and trade.

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The American Chamber of Commerce also acknowledged the importance of the plans anticipated by the Colombian government Advancing productivity and innovation in business.

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In addition, Minister Luna talked with business people about Promote job opportunities Among American and Colombian companies, as well as with exhibitions and events.

he MinCiencias runs support programs for companies seeking to establish themselves in Colombia or the United Stateswith strategies such as training programs on legal, tax and business issues for companies with the aim of expanding internationally.

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