The 43rd Marine Science Congress in Concepcion starts today

Everything is ready for the start of the 43rd Marine Science Congress, the main meeting of the region that will be held from May 27 to 31 in Concepción and organized by the Fisheries Research Institute (INPESCA) and the Chilean Marine Science Society. It should be noted that more than 500 original scientific works will be available during the conference in oral, poster and seminar format. In addition, registrants will be able to attend key conferences, workshops and courses.

During the morning of Monday, May 27, a symposium entitled “Advances in Sustainable Management in the Multi-Use Marine Protected Area in the Sea of ​​Juan Fernández” will open fires. From Local Governance to Ecosystem Action” and the “Educating for Conservation: Play and Teaching Strategies for Marine Environmental Education” workshop will also be available. In the afternoon, the conference opening ceremony will serve as an opening ceremony highlighting the presentation and award of the Honor Award in Scientia Marina Award to Dr. Doris Oliva Ekelund, a renowned Chilean scientist with an extensive career in marine research and natural resource management. It should be noted that Dr. Doris Oliva will also be responsible for presenting the inaugural conference entitled “The Development of Marine Science in Chile: Challenges of Research and Sustainable Management.” for marine ecosystems.

Another must-see event at the conference is the keynote lecture by Dr. Maria Angela Barbieri, which is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, May 28. Maria Angela is a doctor of biological oceanography with more than 30 years of professional experience in fisheries and marine science. His distinguished career and contributions to the development of marine science in our country inspired the name of the last fishing and oceanographic research vessel funded by the State of Chile.

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According to the Chairman of the Organizing Committee and Head of the Enpesca Fisheries Department, Sergio Nunez, “The conference is of great importance because it is the most important meeting in the region, which hosts scientists and students of marine sciences from all over the world. Country, as well as abroad, this makes it possible to take a look at the latest developments in the field of marine scientific research, as well as to enhance interaction between scientists, undergraduate and graduate students and the community interested in the field of marine science.”

Registration to participate in the conference is still open to members of the Chilean Society of Oceanography, non-members, and undergraduate and postgraduate students and can be done at Global Communication

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