The 16th Bezmiliana Scientific Meeting brings together more than 2,000 people in Rincon

The 16th Bezmiliana Scientific Meeting brings together more than 2,000 people in RinconHe. She

These days it's Rincón de la Victoria National Science Headquarters With the celebration of the 16th Pysmiljana Scientific Meeting, which will be visited by more than 2,000 people.

Mayor Rincon de la Victoria Francisco SaladoWho participated at the beginning of this meeting with the education representative, Miguel BrionesIES Bezmiliana's work was highlighted I wake up In students scientific interest, Research, creative and innovative. “There is a lot of talent in the students of the province of Malaga, and we need them to join the sciences, so that we have a better quality of life, and advance in important fields such as engineering, communications, medicine, and generally in all fields,” said Mayor Rincon de la Victoria.

Salado expressed his appreciation for the work of the Pismiliana Institute over sixteen years of scientific meetings, the participation of which is increasing this year. international This year, in the presence of a delegation from one of the university institutions in Envigado (Colombia).

The IES Bezmiliana Scientific Meeting will bring together more than 2,000 people in Rincon.

an opportunity

Director of IES Bezmiliana, Manuel Espinosa, He highlighted “the opportunity to enjoy these days with experiments and the world of science that will constitute a milestone.” Referrer For the sake of the students.”

In this sense, the representative of the scientific club said, jesus Moreno, He added, “Today culminates a whole year's work by teachers, students, and parents, taking them out to the streets for… Share with them With the entire municipality, and the education advisor, Belen GutierrezHe explained that in this meeting some…400 students and 50 teachers from various educational centers throughout the governorate.

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Various scientific societies cooperate with these meetings to awaken the scientific spirit among young people.


The programming of activities has already started last Monday, April 22 at IES Bezmiliana with Talks, conferences, workshops and exhibitionsToday and tomorrow, it will move to Plaza de la Constitución, where 22 tents of all types have been installed. Experiments By students of participating centers, which can still be visited tomorrow, Friday, April 26, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.

This sixteenth edition features characters such as Blanca Troughtona prominent member of Malaga Astronomical SocietyA famous teacher, publisher and artist. Carlos Duran, Teacher, distributor and member of the MECYT Association.

There are also institutions such as the Royal Spanish Society of Chemistry, Regional Section of Malaga, Vélez-Málaga Educational Centre, Amirax Association, Cathedra. Hedy Lamarr From the Higher Technical School of Telecommunications Engineering (UMA), the Victoria Chess Club, the Discover Foundation, AMPA Gran SOL and the entire educational community of IES Bezmiliana.

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