TGT Cheese Company Obtains Animal Welfare Certification

cheese company TGT group, As a leading cheese production and distribution company in Spain, it recently obtained an Animal Care Certificate for raw cow’s milk processed at the Ólvega Lácteos Naturales SL plant. With this, TGT ensures that 100% of the milk with which its products are made in this plant, including the production of Lacturale milk, Saiona milk and Natura llet, meets the animal welfare requirements required by the certification.

The act of handing over the certificate

The certificate was delivered on October 25, and was awarded by Ainur, The leading certification entity in Spain, by Martin Beta, Director of the Atlantic Region, and Emilio Flamarec, Regional Director of Navarra and La Rioja, in two businesses, one in Alvega and the other at Lactoral headquarters in Etxeberry. This certificate was collected by Sergi Ballel, General Manager of TGT, who stated that “This certificate is an appreciation for the efforts and good work of our farms that work every day to provide the best product without neglecting the delicate treatment that animals deserve.”

From now on, packaging for products produced at TGT’s Ólvega plant will contain the Animal Care Seal. A recognition of the prestige and value that will contribute to increasing consumer confidence in our products.

Certificate in animal welfare

The Welfair® Animal Welfare Certification System, developed by IRTA, entails the complete assessment of animal welfare through the Welfare Quality and Awin® protocols, which outline requirements that livestock farms must meet. In addition, it ensures strict compliance with the European legislation on animal welfare in force at any time, equivalent or higher, in those cases where there is more stringent local legislation.

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Get the certificate

For certification, each Lacturale farm has been individually audited, receiving a positive Care Quality Award result on each. Unlike other animal care schemes, in this process, audits are based on direct observation of the animal itself, by evaluating 4 principles: good nutrition, good accommodation, good health, and appropriate behavior. Within these four principles, 12 different but complementary standards of animal welfare are identified. In addition, this assessment contains a specific protocol for each animal species.

The certificate assures the consumer of a comprehensive audit at all stages of production with maximum information and transparency. Continuous improvement, self-control, and traceability are aspects that are also addressed.

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