Tensions persist over France-UK fisheries row: Paris will keep pressure on Boris Johson

The dispute has sparked tensions between the two governments on both sides of the English Channel in recent weeks (Image: AFP)
The dispute has sparked tensions between the two governments on both sides of the English Channel in recent weeks (Image: AFP)

France is committed to constructive dialogue but at the same time is putting pressure on the United Kingdom to solve The dispute between the two countries, as a result of London gave Paris fewer fishing licenses than it expected to fish in British waters after Brexit.

The licenses we need are not there, so we will continue this dual channel of dialogue and pressure because in no way can we accept – and this goes beyond hunting – like France or the European Union, that agreements that have been negotiated for more than four years, that have been signed and ratified by both parties, have not been implemented and respectedFrench Minister of State for European Affairs, Clement Bonn, said on Wednesday.

In an interview in the framework of the European Business Forum, Bonn defended this It is a matter of “trust” and is “essential to building the future relationship” between the UK and the EU after leaving the community club.

“If there is no We can’t advance on other issues“, She said.

France considers itAfter more than ten months of “patiently and constructively” negotiating, the UK has yet to grant them 40% of the fishing licenses they claim, This has led to tensions between governments on both sides of the Channel in recent weeks.

French fishermen protest against outstanding licenses (Image: Reuters)
French fishermen protest against outstanding licenses (Image: Reuters)

Boone said, after a “tough moment” in the discussions a few days ago, The “dialogue” path they wish to exploit has opened up again, “Do not be naive, but constructive.”

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Meanwhile, the French Minister of State for European Affairs confirmed, during the interview, His “full support” for Poland in defending the “boundaries” of society. Before the arrival of large numbers of immigrants, prompted by the Belarusian regime of Alexander Lukashenko, who considered that he was carrying out an “attack using immigrants.”

But he stressed that this work “must be compatible with European laws and values”, So there is no room for a hot return and access to the media must be allowed, with Warsaw urged to accept the support of European bodies such as Frontex.

Boone urged a response “united” and without falling into the “trap organized by Belarus” to divide the 27.

France sees that after more than ten months of negotiation
France sees that after more than ten months of ‘patient and constructive’ negotiation, the UK has yet to grant them 40% of the fishing licenses they claim (Image: Reuters)

In this sense, regarding the tensions between the EU partners and Poland due to their problems with the rule of law, the French Foreign Minister considered that “It will take time“to resolve it and advocate its use”political pressure“,”Keep channels of dialogue openWith Warsaw and the strengthening of European legal instruments.

When it comes to the core values ​​included in our treaties, we cannot be weak. For example, the implementation of the conditionality regulation, linking European funds and complying with the rule of law, is very important”, said Bonn, who considered that France would have to deal with the implementation of this mechanism during the EU presidency.

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During his presidency in the first half of 2022, Paris wants to make progress, in particular, on a package of “fit 55” climate measures, notably the creation of a carbon adjustment mechanism at the border.He explained that in the new laws for digital services and digital markets, and in the social agenda with the new directive on the minimum wage.

(With information from EFE)

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