‘Sweet Tooth’ topped the Netflix Top 10 list in over 30 countries over the weekend

The production is based on DC Comics and has been widely critically acclaimed.

Season 1 of greedy“, The original series of Netflix Inspired by comics Jeff Limere [4)SeestrenóelviernespasadoenNetflixydesdeentoncessehaconvertidoenunodelostemasmáscomentadosdelmundodelentretenimientoenlasredessociales[4)TmardhloolmerhaumaljmahalmadialyNetflixMundzlkalehinOsubhohdokthermodoataltaeetmalhaditanhaveaalmaltrfaitalyosailaltoaslalajtmai[4)SeestrenóelviernespasadoenNetflixydesdeentoncessehaconvertidoenunodelostemasmáscomentadosdelmundodelentretenimientoenlasredessociales[4)TmardhloolmerhaumaljmahalmadialyNetflixMundzlkalehinOsubhohdokthermodoataltaeetmalhaditanhaveaalmaltrfaitalyosailaltoaslalajtmai[4)SeestrenóelviernespasadoenNetflixydesdeentoncessehaconvertidoenunodelostemasmáscomentadosdelmundodelentretenimientoenlasredessociales[4)تمعرضهلأولمرةيومالجمعةالماضيعلىNetflixمنذذلكالحين،أصبحأحدأكثرالموضوعاتالتييتمالحديثعنهافيعالمالترفيهعلىوسائلالتواصلالاجتماعي[4)SeestrenóelviernespasadoenNetflixydesdeentoncessehaconvertidoenunodelostemasmáscomentadosdelmundodelentretenimientoenlasredessociales[4)تمعرضهلأولمرةيومالجمعةالماضيعلىNetflixمنذذلكالحين،أصبحأحدأكثرالموضوعاتالتييتمالحديثعنهافيعالمالترفيهعلىوسائلالتواصلالاجتماعي

Production signed by the film makers Robert Downey Jr.The actor and director is best known for playing Iron Man and Susan Downey(attributed to Sherlock Holmes and Doolittle), and follows the adventures of young adults. juice In an increasingly desperate world ravaged by an epidemic.

As a hybrid creature, a rare breed of children born with animal characteristics, the hero faces many challenges in the company of his friends. parloteo(no tan anuji) e Ursa(Stefania Lavie Owen).

With a captivating plot, the title opened in Rotten Tomatoes, the site that measures the approval of some critics for television and film productions, With 100% expert approval.

Since then, the approval rate has dropped to 97%, which is one of the highest compared to recent releases. And the success is not limited to experts alone, the series has become the most watched production on Netflix in 35 countries around the world.

by location flexible patrolIt only tracks movie and series scores in many countriesOn the third day of the exhibition, the series ranked first among the top tenNetflixin many countries.

Among 37 others of them, the title ranks second in category And the features increase the overall performance numbers. Among the top 10 titles, the series is on 79 lists from 79 countries.

The countries that have seen the best milkshakes so far are: Brazil, Argentina, Australia, Canada, Ecuador, Germany, Ireland, Mexico, New Zealand, Nigeria, Peru, Russia, Slovakia, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States and Uruguay.

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This happens in many of these places. He was responsible for turning down the second half of the fifth season of eviland the It is now the second most watched series in many countries, including Brazil.

with this performance flow, Getting closer and closer to production capabilities To be renewed by Netflix for another season, Where the hero is expected to return.


Sweet Tooth is an adaptation of the comics of the same name by Jeff Lemire, published by Vertigo, one of the major brands of DC Comics.

With monthly releases, greedy Posted in September 2, 2009And come to a conclusion about January 9, 2013. However, Lemire did not stop there, as of November 2020. sequence for a string calledCounting“.

History shows aMundo postapocalíptico, with many rustic, esoteric and rustic elements. Suddenly shocked the world with something called “whip“, resulting in the formation of a new layer called.”hybrid“.

Inspiration from the comics, also written by series director Jeff Lemmer. Image Credit: Disclosure

Hybrids are no more than half human and half animal. “Ordinary humans” fear/dislike hybrids, which makes them their prey. Hybrids, in turn, live in hiding, afraid of humans.

In a series of series NetflixAnd so are we cartoonWe will follow the steps juice, a Hybrid between man and deerThe hunters “adopted” after many years of isolation and loneliness GabbardHe vows to take young Sankara to safety after an incident involving Joss and his father. The two then embarked on an adventure across the post-apocalyptic United States, mostly in Nebraska.


Born March 21, 1976 in Essex County, Ontario, Canada, Jeff Limere He is a well-known comedian who has worked for many publishers, such as Miracleand the CapitalBlack horse, cartoon and brave image.

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At Marvel, the artist has been responsible for several very successful arcs. Archer FalconSuffrage heroes X men, taxes moon knight And the hero Logan. In DC, he worked with Superboy, Animal Man. Justice Squad dark and green archer.

However, throughout the original series, Lemire gained even greater fame by creating the universe from scratch. Of this genre, there are two distinct works by Jeff Lemmer: The Trilogy. Essex County and the fairy tales from the province in which Lumiere was born; and the greedySiri netflix.

To work on some of these series in a meaningful waySweet Tooth, Animal Man y FrankensteinJeff Lemmer is nominated!GrantEisner, the most famous and important award in comedy in the category “Best Writer”.

Plot Gus is a hybrid, born with animal characteristics, trying to live in an unwelcome world. Image Credit: Disclosure.

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