Such a sweet woman who takes care of me

The social and patriarchal dynamics that persist in society are some of the reasons why women are more empathetic and have more developed emotional intelligence than men, making us ideal candidates for this type of work.

Both qualities should be positively appreciated. However, the reality is that although women make up the majority in call centres, only 48% of us manage to hold executive or leadership positions in this sector, according to the UK’s Office for National Statistics.

I don’t want to disparage anyone’s work, but my experience as a telemarketer has not been pleasant. One in six calls ended with the number gRituals, insults and threats against me. My manager at the time said so Preference for hiring women Because they were more respectful and generous. According to him, women are more likely to remember customers’ names, wish them a good weekend, and provide more efficient and personalized service.

It is no coincidence that women are more collaborative, asking for ideas and practicing active listening than men; From the time we are young, at school, we are taught to be polite and respectful and to avoid conflicts.

He was the first person I called from the school health office when I broke my mom’s knee, not my dad’s. However, she did not come to pick me up at school nor for meetings with my teachers. I don’t blame her, she always worked hard to help our family move on and teach me to be an independent woman.

In spite of everything, my mother was there when my period first arrived and when I called to tell her I had landed my first job overseas as a call center telephone operator.

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I’ve had several colleagues over the course of two years working for different customer service firms. They were the ones who hugged me and dried my tears, as well as listened to my daily complaints about the conditions and abuses we had to endure. In spite of everything, I was perhaps the most privileged of them all: I had no creatures to feed, nor did I flee from my country by force.

I remember holding back the urge to go to the bathroom after the call. We barely had a bathroom for 30 women, while there were four men and they had their own bathroom too. In general, we had to wait at least ten minutes and this subsequently affected our productivity.

I’ve seen recently the only onesa Korean film about a young woman in her twenties who works in a call center where only women are present. The protagonist lives a reclusive life and avoids living with or talking to others at all costs. Despite everything, Jenna is not able to be truly alone, she walks everywhere with her headphones on, watches videos on her cellphone and sleeps with the TV on. Gina’s biggest fear is facing herself.

I wonder if my Anxiety disorders It would relate to all the stress I experienced during those years in the call center, listening to insults, crying, complaints and other people’s problems every single day, without giving me the importance they really deserve.

Ten years have passed since then for the movie to be released HaWhere sexual drama Joaquin Phoenix played a man who ends up falling in love with his assistant, a sweet, comforting female voice played by Scarlett Johansson. However, we have made little progress in this regard, without going any further, Alexa and Siri have a woman’s voice.

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Being a mother, girlfriend, partner, or sister seems to require listening to other people’s problems, caring for them, giving them advice, and making them feel well taken care of. However, we also want our voice to be heard and to have the same rights and opportunities, without stereotypes or sexist prejudices, whether in personal or professional life.

in his poem Won’t you be my sisterAmanda Gorman says thus: “Hear me as a woman, take me as your sister. In the purple dawn of the battlefield, to be able to say that our victory is just beginning. Despite having speech and hearing problems, the young activist’s words resonate with all of us today.

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