Students of legal sciences participated in the open public prosecutor’s office

Accompanied by Karina Gutierrez, from Student Welfare, a group of legal science students participated in the open public prosecutor’s office. They toured the facilities of the OTP and SAVD, learned about the work of each team, were in courtrooms, visited the Gesell Room and spoke with prosecutors, officials and specialists of the SAVD, and the judge.

In addition to delving into the investigative work of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, they learned how to carry out criminal proceedings through oral and public hearings, traditional trials, summary trials and the recently established trial system by people’s juries.

Since the bicentenary of the May Revolution, the Chubut Public Prosecutor’s Office has been offering an opening proposal to the community, mainly for students in the last years of high school, senior level and university, but also for operators of various institutions that are to contact the Public Prosecutor’s Office. The Open Prosecutor’s Office has been recognized by the Ministry of Education, declaring it to be of educational interest through Resolution 267/17. The activity, which is coordinated by the Institutional Liaison District, facilitates knowledge of the criminal justice system and promotes citizen participation.

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