Sputnik V and CanSinoBio continue without WHO accreditation

The World Health Organization (WHO) continues not to validate the Sputnik V and CanSinoBio covid-19 vaccines for emergency use.

The world body has endorsed the emergency use list, which includes: Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Janssen, Moderna and Sinopharm, however, the World Health Organization said that each country can decide what dose to apply.

“The Emergency Use List procedure is used to assess the suitability of new medical devices during public health emergencies. The goal is to have medicines, vaccines and diagnostic tests available as quickly as possible to respond to an emergency, while respecting stringent safety, efficacy and quality standards,” explains WHO.

In addition, WHO notes that the emergency use list procedure includes a rigorous evaluation of the most recent data from phase II and III clinical trials, as well as substantial additional data on safety, efficacy, quality, and a risk management plan.

“These data are being reviewed by independent experts and WHO teams, who take into account the current body of evidence on the vaccine in question, plan to monitor its use, and plan further studies,” he says.

As part of the emergency use checklist process, the WHO notes that the company that produces the vaccine must commit to continuing to generate data that allows for full authorization and prequalification of the vaccine by the WHO.

“Through a prequalification process, WHO will evaluate additional clinical data resulting from vaccine trials and their ongoing dissemination to ensure that the vaccine meets the necessary quality, safety and efficacy requirements with the goal of increasing availability,” the organization explains.

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Vaccines from Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Sinovac, Sputnik V, CanSino and Janssen are currently used in Mexico.

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