Sports Science: “Strength Training in Children and Adolescents” | news | Buenos Aires City

Course Mathematical Sciences You will get this Wednesday, July 28 at 7:00 PM The ninth day of the year: Strength training for children and teens. Training duty In children and adolescents should be its main target Maintain and enhance their integrated health.

Today we will deal with him Objectives and benefits From strength training to different sports levels, from activity school and entertainment, to high-performance sports and we’ll try to bring it down myth NS Beliefs rooted.

across the training plan, From General Directorate of Social Sports and Sports Development For the Sports Sub-Secretariat, we will present these meetings for dialogue and knowledge-building dialogue, responsible for representatives and experts from the sports and physical education sector. Physical activity and sports are currently part of the basic activities of a modern society in constant development and growth. That is why, once again, this program seeks to strengthen the strategy Strengthening the sports, recreation and physical activity sectorWith the aim of increasing the individual and collective capabilities of the people who are part of it and thus contribute to providing the best services and effective performance.

Today will be responsible for Dr.. Santiago Coyetel (Diploma with honors from the University of Buenos Aires, Specialist in Pediatrics and Sports Medicine and Medical Coordinator of the Buenos Aires Youth Olympic Games 2018) and Lc. Claudio Henchek (Physical Education Instructor, Physical Activity and Sports Graduate, Coach of the National Senior Weightlifting Team and the National Youth Weightlifting Team. He was also an American medalist and a South American record holder).

This year’s session will end from March to December, it will be Free And it fits perfectly virtual It covers four main themes: sports initiation and development. physical education in the school and non-school environment; Adapted Sports Sports Management.

NS I am writing to you And to be a part of this ninth meeting in 2021 for the session that will be like this Wednesday, July 28 at 7:00 PM on Zoom, Enter here:

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Register in Sports Science

Once you complete the form, in the days leading up to the event you will receive a confirmation email with the meeting link so you can participate.

During this year, 4 thematic themes will be addressed:

Starting and developing sports

From this axis, the training area, it is proposed to deepen the foundations that support the processes of starting and developing the sport; By updating and mastering skills and techniques for planning, managing and evaluating learning related to motor skills and sports techniques. Likewise, the promotion of teaching strategies and resources for purposeful learning that respects and stimulates the process of developmental maturation and the ability to acquire movements is encouraged. The exercises provide a space for enrichment and exchange to expand the tools of analysis, design, implementation and coordination of training processes aimed at the overall development of the athlete.

Physical education in the school and non-school environment

We consider physical education in the school and non-school environment to be the basis for the initiation of sport for boys, girls and adolescents. For this reason, teacher updating should be a priority to implement the teaching and learning process.

adapted sports الرياضة

Sports and physical activity for people with disabilities has undergone significant development in recent years, reaching the level of participation in terms of quantity and quality, and increasingly higher and more demanding in terms of performance. This growth must be accompanied by an appropriate level of development, both in resources and in the people involved, that will allow the various sports to continue to improve their working methods and levels of performance. In this context, it is necessary to develop training guidelines in an increasingly structured and complex manner depending on the degree of information and knowledge possessed by the participants.

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Sports Management

Running and managing sports organizations requires a degree of dedication and professionalism in both the professional leader and the charterer. The different management models and corporate leadership should aim to strengthen organizations in their operations, with the understanding that medium and long term perspectives (such as corporate planning) allow for a better association with the situation to be established. It should also be noted that the management of sports institutions, whether in the public or private sphere, must accept more and more professionalism and pro-activity for the implementation of plans and programs that have an institutional and societal impact.

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