Spiral galaxies: these are the amazing images captured by the James Webb Telescope

spiral galaxy
These are the new images of spiral galaxy NGC 628 taken by the James Webb Telescope | Photo: Judy Schmidt

The James Webb Space Telescope was surprised by taking an unprecedented new look at two spiral galaxies, NGC 628 and 7496. These discoveries come a few days after NASA’s launch. The deepest images of the universe so far.

How were these images of spiral galaxies revealed?

according to ScienceAlerta science magazine, Judy Schmidt, who has been processing space data for years, has been able to obtain images of these spiral galaxies And they shared it with the world, and scientists were astonished by the accuracy of these images.

The NGC 628 It is one of the most amazing types of galaxies in our sky. which is known as spiral galaxy The ‘Big Design’: one with prominent, well-constructed and relatively straight arms. And at just 32 million light-years away, it’s close enough to provide plenty of detail for study.

NGC 628: James Webb image versus Hubble image

telescope James Webb It features infrared capabilities that allow a person to see deeper in time to the great explosionthat occurred 13.8 billion years ago. This is why his photos, like those in spiral galaxy NGC 628looks better than the one captured by the Hubble telescope in 2007.

Previous observations revealed that the galaxy’s spiral arms are rich in star-forming gases sorted by young emerging stars. Astronomers have also observed at least three supernovae in NGC 628 since the turn of the millennium. Now, these kinds of phenomena will be easily visible with the new technology.

It wasn’t just a spiral galaxy! Capture NGC 7496

Jul Schmidt not only treated a photo Spiral galaxy NGC 628but he also managed to reveal a clear picture of NGC 7496.

Both are relatively close to the Milky Way, and are the subject of continuous observations such as high-resolution angular physical surveys in galaxies (PHANGS), to better track the bonds between young stars and the clouds of cold molecular gas they generate.

NGC 7496 is located 24 million light-years away, in what is known as a spiral galaxy The spiral arms extend from a distinct band that crosses the center of the galaxy. It is believed that this is caused by an uneven density in the galactic disk. The denser region attracts stars to it to create ribbons.

telescope pictures James Webb very different from those in Hubble, because they work in different photovoltaic systems. Hubble is primarily an ultraviolet and optical instrument, while Webb sees infrared, which can capture light blocked by dust and gas at optical wavelengths.

This means that the notes are complementary to each other; Hubble collects gas and James Webb You can see the newborn stars inside. David Thelker, of Johns Hopkins University, points out that “Webb gives us a way to look inside ‘stellar factories’ to see newly assembled star clusters and measure their properties before they evolved.”

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