Spanish truck drivers trapped in the UK have deplored the economic losses

Spanish truck drivers have begun denouncing the economic losses that for more than 24 hours in the UK – along with other European carriers – have been queued for more than 50 kilometers on the motorway giving access to the Eurotunnel. The rise of the ports. As a result of this situation, they had to adjust their ways after losing their jobs on the continent.

Last Friday, Spain’s National Federation of Transport Associations (Fenadismer) blamed the British authorities for their “negligence” and demanded the immediate intervention of the European Commission to solve the problem that began as a result of Britain’s exit from the European Union.

In a video posted to the union’s Twitter account, Javier, an independent transporter from Granada traveling through England, confirmed that “a row of trucks on one side and the other” is moving from the London exit to Folkestone and the port of Dover. They gave us no explanation for these delays, nor for these kilometer queues. You already see that coming to England has become epic,” he explains.

At the time of the video recording, he was trapped in the queue for more than twelve hours. The same truck driver stated that he had lost “a load he had in Paris” due to the day’s delay. Added to the loss of work is the additional kilometers he will have to do due to changes in the lane as a result of the stop he was exposed to in the UK, as he tells in statements to TVE.

Antonio Martinez, president of the Transport and Logistics Union, merged with the Cecot employers’ union, confirmed that there had been cases in which they had been out of work for more than a week and expressed concern, both about the personal situation of the tankers and “because of the condition and security of the cargo, which has become critical, It will be necessary to speed up the response,” the British authorities said.

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The union asserts that daily queues of more than 30 kilometers have caused a waiting period of more than ten hours with vehicles parked on shoulders – without places of rest and with “minimum sanitary and hygienic conditions” – as happened at Christmas 2020 in conjunction with the implementation of Britain’s exit from Britain European Union.

‘nightmare’ 2020

Likewise, the Spanish employers of carriers have expressed their fear that the “nightmare” situation suffered by Spanish airlines and the rest of the European Union this Christmas, at the gates of Easter, will be repeated.

“Carriers must remain trapped inside the trucks, without access to proper resting places or with minimal sanitary and hygienic conditions,” Vandismer added.

She reminded the association that the British authorities had promised to work on a solution, but “far from that, the situation has worsened in recent days”, considering that “they have done nothing yet to treat it”.

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