Spanish companies take roughly two days more to pay than the rest of Europe

Companies operating in Spain take an average of 15.2 days to pay their suppliers. It is the calculation performed by the database D&B . Report Based on information collected in the last quarter of last year from the accounts of thousands of companies, which indicates, on the one hand, that the state in general respects Commitment to pay within a maximum of 30 daysOn the other hand, it is among the last names in terms of speed of payments. Spanish companies take 1.6 more days to pay than the rest of the large European economies, a difference slightly worse than the previous quarter (1.3).

Spain, specifically, is the third largest economy paying the slowest, with Portugal (average 25.9 days) and Italia (17.6) forward and with France (14.8) and United kingdom (14.4) behind. The report, which analyzes the conditions of 9 European countries, indicates that these five European countries are below the average, which is 13.6 days behind. Actually, except United kingdomwho joined this group in the first quarter of last year, this position at the bottom is already common to the rest.

As reported by Europa Press, on the other side of the scale HollandAnd GermanyAnd Belgium And Ireland: the former is very far from the European average (a little over 4 days) and has already established itself in this position of leader, and the latter is very close to the border with 13.1 days, having spent half a year emerging among the slowest paying countries.

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In the specific case of Spain, the average business for the last three months of the year was five-tenths worse than the third-quarter mark (15.1 days), after several periods of improvement. At the beginning of 2021, Spanish companies took an average of 16.2 days to pay. The European trend has been bearish since the end of 2020, with the average now roughly 1 point lower than then.

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“For nearly 3 years (between the first quarter of 2016 and the third quarter of 2018), the Spanish average delinquency (RMP) was lower than the European average, which was equivalent in the fourth quarter of 2018,” the officials About Informa D & B Analysis. Since then, they continue, the Spanish index has begun to outperform the European. “This quarter, the difference between the Spanish and European refrigerant management plan was 1.61 days,” they concluded.

There are 21.4 days between the economy with the fastest paying companies and the country with the slowest societies, a difference of 23.3 days at the end of 2020.

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