Spain joins the European Research Infrastructure Consortium for research in the humanities and social sciences

Madrid, September 4 (European Press) –

Spain, through the Ministry of Science and Innovation, has joined as a full partner of the European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) CLARIN, whose goal is to make all digital linguistic resources and tools in Europe and other continents accessible to cooperating countries through a fully accessible electronic environment network. Individual support for researchers in the humanities and social sciences.

As the Ministry stated in a statement, this infrastructure was created by federal centers from different member countries in the areas of text and data repositories, supercomputing, knowledge in language technologies, etc. Therefore, the accession of Spain will allow the existence of groups that directly provide texts, data, applications and services tailored and oriented to the specificities of the Spanish language and the official languages.

CLARIN-ERIC contributes to the development of everyday applications based on the language we use, such as search engines, machine translation and voice assistants, all based on artificial intelligence. With the entry of Spain, the tools and applications developed in our country, which can be integrated into the infrastructure and expanded their use, will be appreciated.

Thus, with the integration of Spain into CLARIN, it will allow official languages ​​to be included in ParlaMint, a symbolic project focused on creating a comparable and multilingual collection of parliamentary debates from all European, national and regional parliaments.

Acting Minister of Science and Innovation, Diana Morant, stressed that Spain’s participation in CLARIN will allow it to strengthen the position of the Spanish language and official languages ​​in the European and global context and to exploit the resources provided by the infrastructure to promote the development of science in Spanish, language learning and the growth of artificial intelligence in Spanish, which contributes to the pipeline. Strategy for the Strategic Project for Economic Recovery and Transformation (PERTE) for the New Language Economy.

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road map

CLARIN-ERIC is a roadmap research infrastructure of the European Strategic Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) in the field of social and cultural innovation.

With its accession, Spain joins Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Slovenia, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal and Sweden as a member state. A full member, with the United Kingdom, South Africa and Switzerland as observer states.

The Ministry of Science and Innovation is a department of the General State Administration competent to participate in European research infrastructures and which will represent us in the administrative bodies of ERIC.

The national node of CLARIN consists of the University of the Basque Country – Euskal Herico Universitatia (UPV/EHU), the University of Alacant (UA), the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) and the National University of Distance Education. (UNED), Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), Barcelona Supercomputing Center – National Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS), Jaén University (UJA), University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), and Instituto Superior Scientific Research Center (CSIC). and the Spanish National Library (BNE).

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