Spain improves its digital competitiveness due to higher spending on education, research and development | Economie

An increase in public spending on education, on investment in research and development, as well as improvements in the pace of business in the private sector, has brought Spain to 28th place, moving up three places compared to 2021 in the global rankings for digital. IMD Competitiveness.

In this way, Spain improved three places ahead of economies such as Portugal, Italy, and Greece, although it lags behind the United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium, France and Ireland.

This ranking consists of 63 global economies for the economic transformation of businesses, government and society through digital technologies, headed by Denmark, the United States and Sweden, followed by other countries such as Singapore, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Finland and the Republic. in Korea, Hong Kong and Canada.

Spain also did well in the field of government cybersecurity, ranking 12th, recognizing its ability to deal with attacks on its digital infrastructure. In this aspect, Spain is ahead of Portugal, Italy and Greece, but behind the United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium, France and Ireland.

The 2022 edition of the ranking shows that cybersecurity measures will be critical to competitiveness and describes digital nations as those with “a combination of digital talent, digital regulations, data management, digital attitudes, and capital availability,” noted Arturo Bryce, director of the IMD Center for Global Competitiveness.

This annual ranking identifies the capabilities of 63 global economies to adopt, examine, and use new digital technologies to transform government practices, business models, and society.

To do this, 54 criteria, obtained from a combination of external hard data (two-thirds of the total) and responses to the IMD executive survey (one-third), were categorized into three main groups: preparation for the future, knowledge and technology with a set of sub-factors in each.

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