Space tourist Yusaku Maezawa records an amazing time shot aboard the International Space Station

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Japanese billionaire last week Yusaku Maezawa Arrived at the International Space Station, Where you will spend 12 days enjoying its scenery. You are not expected to make any significant contribution to humanity terminal, since it only exists because a file leaked Amount of money to be able Do it, but it at least left us with a stunning time-lapse view of the International Space Station in motion.

“this is It is exactly one complete orbit around the Earth. amazing‘,” the businessman wrote on Twitter.

Maezawa arrived at the International Space Station in a Soyuz capsule with his production assistant, Yuzu Hirano and Russian cosmonaut and mission commander Alexander Misorkin. Next to that they They went too In the capsule more than 160 kilograms loading, Where they are included food for experiments Station scientists and personal items of some living astronauts Bordeaux from the International Space Station.

From your arrival at the stationHirano . events were recordeds from your boss, from He appears From his YouTube channel how confirmed Its daily tasks Void.

They say that not everything can be bought with money, but with what increases Clear, He is the one who invented it The phrase refers to ordinary humans.

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