Social Sciences Deans Discuss Inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean | Claxo

The Council of Deans of Faculties of Social Sciences and Humanities (CODESOC) participated in the 9th Latin American and Caribbean Conference of CLACSO, which took place from 7-10 June at the Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). It represented the authorities from the organized National Study in the largest academic and political event in the discipline worldwide, which in this edition brought together more than 15,000 people and 2,000 speakers and speakers from Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Brazil and Chile.

CODESOC organized a panel discussion, “Knowledge, Social Commitment and Reflexivity: Contributions of the Social Sciences to Crisis”, by its President and Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Lomas de Zamora National University, Gustavo Naun; his peers from the National Universities of Córdoba, Maria Ines Peralta; From Villa María (UNVM), Gabriel Suárez Fossaseca, and from Avellaneda’s Ministry of Culture, Arts and Communication (UNDAV), Daniel Escribano.

After evaluating the meeting, Nunn appreciated the space provided as it means “recognition of CODESOC and twenty years of work,” and noted that this entity “has always demonstrated its mission to contribute to the diagnosis of social problems, and to the promotion and promotion of public policies.”

“We have achieved the formation of an American and federal voice that represents the social sciences, and understands the diversity, origins, and different realities of each member of the Council,” he stated in an interview with the university’s extension.

In another arrangement, he highlighted the CLACSO’s General Assembly’s decision to incorporate its original faculty and other Argentinean study roles as full members of the institution, as it “represents the creation of new lines of research and training opportunities for the academics of our community.”

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Along the same lines, Peralta emphasized that this meeting “allowed to communicate and share the importance of the important contributions of Argentine public universities with their societies in contexts as complex as the current ones”. In addition, he considered that various disciplines are “essential to deepening democracy, expanding rights, and building citizenship, sovereignty, and regional solidarity.”

CODESOC’s activity in Mexico included the holding of the “Deans of Social Sciences Conversation for Latin America and the Caribbean”, responsible for representatives of the National Universities of San Juan (UNSJ), Marcelo Lucero; from Lanús (UNLa), Graciela Montañés; From Rosario (United Nations), Gustavo Marini; From La Rioja (UNLaR), Miriam Azcorra, from La Plata and Nestor Artignano.

In this regard, Escribano stressed that this discussion table was “aimed at creating links and making connections to advance the creation of a working agenda with deans from all over Latin America”.

The event took place in Mexico in 32 concurrent workplaces, 157 exhibition halls, and over 1,000 activities that included 16 keynote speeches, 42 forums, over 4,500 speakers, and 6,000 conferences and committees.

Focus on social inequalities

Elsewhere in Congress, Karina Patthianni was re-elected as CLACSO’s Executive Secretary. Prior to extending her mandate in the Assembly, a sociologist and professor at the University of the Republic (Uruguay) presented the conference “Chariots of Inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean. Knowledge, Conflicts and Transitions”.

“Today, Latin America and the Caribbean is at a very complex crossroads with economic, environmental, political, ideological, cultural, gender and social dimensions. Inequality has been deepened by neoliberal policies that are trying to eradicate the rights we have taken away,” said Bhatiaani.

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In addition, he highlighted the critical role of the social sciences in “fighting and confronting” inequality and inviting them to talk about it, discuss it and generate knowledge in order to “achieve powerful transformation.”

Major institution for the region

The Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO) is an international non-governmental organization with affiliation with UNESCO created in 1967. It brings together 836 research and postgraduate centers in the field of social sciences and humanities in 55 countries in Latin America and other continents.

Some of its objectives are to promote social research to combat poverty and inequality; promoting human rights and democratic participation; Contribute to the promotion of sustainable development policies in economic, social and environmental terms, building bridges between social research and public policies, and promoting innovative, creative and applicable actions in the face of significant social, educational, cultural and environmental challenges.

In addition, it aims to support the formation of networks of researchers and institutions working in the field of social sciences and humanities, and to promote academic internationalization processes in Latin America and the Caribbean.

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