Social sciences and humanities programs are the most funded by Icetex

According to the latest data revealed in the official Icetex statistics viewer, between 2015 and the first half of 2021, the entity spent $1,728,889 million between appropriations and subsidies.

The number of beneficiaries during the first six months of last year reached 23,645 students. Of this total, 92.6% belong to classes 1, 2 and 3, and more than half of them are women (57.2%).

In this period, disbursements for loans amounted to $136,690 million and $8,258 million to support, achieving a cumulative amount of $144,949 million, as undergraduate streaks prevailed.

Students of professions related to the social sciences and humanities were the most involved in the total for this portfolio. At least $7,311 million has been allocated to this area of ​​knowledge between credits and subsidies. Health sciences followed, and in third place, jobs related to engineering, architecture, and urban planning. On the other hand, a smaller percentage was occupied by programs such as mathematics and natural sciences. Agricultural, veterinary and related engineering.

Andrea Escobar, Director of Fundación Empresarios por Colombia, noted that there is a negative relationship in the country between coverage in higher education and the proportion of people with unsatisfied basic needs (NBI). Hence, the departments with the highest UBN rates are also those with the lowest number of people enrolled in higher education.

According to the Colombian University Observatory, in 2022 only one in two young people between the ages of 17 and 21 had a tertiary education, given that the net coverage rate – according to the National Higher Education Information System, Snies – is of 51.6%. That is 23.5 percentage points (pp) below the OECD average, which was 75.1%. Although Escobar noted that between 2017 and 2022, The investment budget in higher education for quality has grown by about 85%More than 28.6% of the population between the ages of 15 and 28 are neither studying nor working, according to the Dane.

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In this way, there are many challenges that the country faces in order to overcome these numbers. The most important, according to Escobar, starts from the technical need to standardize the policy of open data that allows to enhance the availability and accessibility of information regarding the distribution of resources described in Articles 86 and 87 of Law 100 of 1993., Its main function is the financing of higher education institutions in the state. Despite this, there have also been several bets by the national government to certify its commitment to higher education. Among them, the implementation of Icetex.

Although Angel Facundo, a researcher at the CID of the National University, “if the state wants development, it must guarantee the total and partial financing of education, since, in essence, it is inclusive”, for Escobar, it is important that regional entities make efforts Additional to promote greater access to education, in an effort to reduce the weight of the national government in this provision. Well, it is considered that the contributions of educational credits granted by Icetex were not simple.

“When analyzing the probability of dropping out for a student who received more than seven credits from this entity and. For those who did not receive anything, it is clear that the probability of dropping out of their studies decreased by 1.5 pages, from 10.7% to 9.2%,” Escobar said.

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According to Manuel Acevedo, former president of Icetex and current dean of Universidad CES de Medellín, in terms of transfers allocated from the state budget to formal higher education institutions (HEIs), the number could be greater than $6 billion. This is equivalent to investing two or three fourth-generation businesses in the country. On the other hand, the value of resources that reach private organizations through Icetex may be in the range of $1.5 million. This is taking into account its cyclical nature.

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