Six more medals for Jalisco

Six medals were those suspended by the Jalisco athletes on the ninth day of the Pan American Junior Games in Cali Valley 2021.

Juan Salazar was the only gold of the day for Jalisco, as he along with his Mexican compatriots Lionel Cardenas and Leonardo Vargas, triumphed over the gold metal in the men’s squash team way after beating the Colombian team 2-0.

En esa misma disciplina, pero en la categoría de equipos femenil, las jaliscienses Dina Anguiano, Fabiola Cabello y Paola Franco se quedaron con las ganas de festejar el triunfo, pero subieron al podio para colgarse la presea de la plata per luego United State.

The other silver medal of the day was for Jalisco boxer, Margarita Morgoya, who reached the final in the women’s category – 51 kg, but lost 5-0 to American Kayla Gomez.

And if that wasn’t enough, The Jalisco athletes wrapped up Wednesday’s activity with three more bronze medals in disciplines such as athletics and Greco-Roman wrestling. wrestlers Diego Macias and Danielle Vélez compete in the 77 kg and 97 kg categories, respectively; Veronica Angel Talamantes finished third in the women’s 800m.

Square meters


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