Sitting for a long time can have negative mental health effects, even for those who exercise

One in two Argentines is not active enough to meet the health standards recommended by the World Health Organization (iStock)
One in two Argentines is not active enough to meet the health standards recommended by the World Health Organization (iStock)

I feel, and therefore I exist. Routines obviously confuse us and resting for a few minutes is usually fine when one moves from one place to another. but nevertheless, Staying longer than necessary, not too much. It was the quarantine with the coronavirus pandemic that increased the time spent sitting without realizing it, a current association with not recommending and absolutely dangerous Sedentary lifestyle. This is how you sit for so longThey can have adverse effects on your mental health and well-being, new caution study.

Sitting time has been closely associated with negative mental health during the COVID-19 lockdown, and should be taken into account in future public health recommendations, experts understand.

Allowing one hour of outdoor exercise each day was a key part of the UK government’s strategy when the first national lockdown began in March 2020. However, The University of Huddersfield study found that many people have experienced More than eight hours A sitting day, either from working from home or having trouble while on vacation. This, in turn, caused adverse effects on their mental health, the researchers said.

Even the people who participated in a 150 minutes per week from Moderate or vigorous physical activity experienced a negative impact on their mental health, Which suggests that Required More exercise To counteract your increased sedentary lifestyle.

Bad diet linked to sedentary lifestyle (iStock)
Bad diet linked to sedentary lifestyle (iStock)

“Although our sample is almost 300 people were very energetic, Sit for longer periods of time and more 50% “They were sitting for more than eight hours a day,” said Dr. Lian Azevedo, one of the study’s authors. “We found that sitting time, along with certain pre-existing health conditions and demographics, They were the main variables that negatively affected mental health and well-being. Other studies have shown that if you sit for more than eight hours, The specialist added that to compensate for the negative impact of sedentary behavior on physical health outcomes, it is necessary to exercise for a longer period.

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Azevedo said so The ideal is be about 60 minutes Do some activity, by the way, More than 30 minutes which are generally recommended At least for daily exercise. “Reducing time spent sitting has a positive effect on mental health. We recommend, along with increasing physical activity, that overall health encourage a reduction in sitting time for mental health benefits,” Azevedo added.

Rest habits, the main enemies of physical activity (iStock)
Rest habits, the main enemies of physical activity (iStock)

The specialist said it is important for people to understand that physical activity is not limited to going to the gym. “Walking, especially in green areas, is really important, and any kind of moderate activity has benefits,” Azevedo said. “We also observed in our study that Leisure and gardening are activities that help both physically and mentally. We want to develop an intervention based on these findings, to focus on reducing sedentary behaviourAs well as in increasing physical activity to enhance mental health benefits.

The negative consequences of lack of physical activity were not long in coming. Various research groups from different universities have conducted studies in the past year in an attempt to obtain new information regarding sedentary lifestyle caused by confinement and restrictions, especially among children and young adults.

These problems of lack of physical activity have affected both the physical and psychological domains. In relation to the first of them, cardiovascular problems and obesity can be highlighted, while in relation to the second, depression stands out above the rest, aggravating this situation in girls.

In a study conducted by the University of Oviedo, Spain, in which 595 detained children participated, an inverse relationship was observed between increased symptoms of depression and levels of weekly physical activity.  Screens don't help
In a study conducted by the University of Oviedo, Spain, in which 595 held children participated, an inverse relationship was observed between an increase in depressive symptoms and levels of weekly physical activity. Screens don’t help

Therefore, mental health was the aspect most affected by imprisonment. In a study conducted by the University of Oviedo in Spain and they participated in it In 595 confined children, an inverse relationship was observed between increased depressive symptoms and levels of weekly physical activity.

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Another study on4811 participants It was concluded that moderate physical activity during confinement was associated with a decrease in 47% chance of depressive symptoms. For those who did 10 hours of weekly training, the odds of experiencing depressive symptoms were 39% lower.

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