Shueisha now lets you send messages to your favorite mangaka – Kudasai

digital service Shōnen Jump Plus From Shueisha make a choice”fan cardswhich can reach manga authors in Japan. The tool is available under the information of each manga published on the service (obviously in Japanese), and a red button appears that writes:ァ ン レ タ ー を 送 る(Send a fan message)”.

By accessing this function, the user is redirected to a file google formYou will be notified of the following terms and conditions:

  • You can submit your impressions and messages of support for the business through this form. Your impressions and messages will first be reviewed by Shueisha’s editorial department. Please note that we will not always be able to forward your message to the author afterwards. Please note that we will not be able to respond to questions, comments, requests or complaints other than those submitted through this form.

Then he asks about the following areas:work name“,”Suspension“yes”consentThe latter refers to the fact that a fan’s comment can be used in promotional materials for a work, for example, a video that collects positive comments for the author. Those interested in participating in this dynamic can do so at any time, but their comments must be in Japanese.

To find the author of your choice, you must take into account that some of his works must be published in the service Shōnen Jump Plus ( Take the Japanese name of your business that you are interested in and paste it into the service’s search engine. For example, in this case we are looking for “Boku no Hero Academia (僕 ー ー ー ロ ー ー )“:

Access the manga that matches your search (in our case, it’s the second one) and a new window will open with the most recently published chapter. Scroll down a bit to find the working art sheet and you will find the said button with the option to go to the form.

Line: official site

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