SES pays vouchers with cash for medicines

The state health service, six days after the end of the last administration, owed a debt of 33.4 million pesos to a company in Mexico City, which provides food stamps given by the agency to its employees. To pay for the work benefit, the agency has set aside free care and medication written materials for its users without Social Security and for mothers and people facing addiction.

According to documents from SES, obtained through a request for information, the agency signed between 2020 and this year eight contracts with three companies providing this service for 92.7 million pesos.

In order to pay this work compensation, the SES reports that resources have been allocated from federal provisions to obtain free medications for residents without Social Security, as well as from Insabi for care and free medicines for health services for residents without Social Security.

Of the 92.7 million pesos allocated to the purchase of food stamps, as of September 20, he owed 33.4 million pesos to CDMX Servicios Broxel SAPI de CV, from a contract signed in December 2020. The original amount was 64.9 million pesos, of which 31.5 million pesos were paid until That date.

The company’s last three payments are dated March 31 of this year. In fact, 12 payments were made to the whole company in March of this year. This, despite the fact that the contract SSSLP-LA-E070-PERST-GRALES-01-2020, delivered through a national public tender, was signed in the management of Mónica Rangel Martínez, payments were made three months after the signing.

Of the 92.7 million pesos paid by SES in 2020 and this year for the purchase of food stores, Broxel has benefited the most, with four contracts for 83.9 million pesos.

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Also, for food vouchers, Toka Internacional SAPI de CV awarded him two contracts for another 5.5 million pesos and with Finutil SA de CV, he performed two operations for another 3.3 million pesos.

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