Senate freezes confirmation of Carlos Aysa as ambassador

A day before PRI deputy Carlos Aisa Damas announced his support for Electricity reform for President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador What happened this Wednesday The Senate postponed the debate in committees to certify his father, the former governor of Campeche Carlos Isa Gonzalez, as Mexican ambassador to the Dominican Republic.

president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador proposed to Aissa Gonzalez on January 17But the appointment analysis and ratification in the end Postponed “until further notice”.

to me The agenda has been set for Tuesday, April 12ththe Senate Committees on Foreign Relations, Foreign Relations, and Latin America and the Caribbean will meet in Discussing and approving the ratification of former Governor Aisa Gonzalez.

Lee: PRI Deputy Carlos Miguel Aisa has announced that he will vote for the electricity reform of AMLO

On Tuesday, his resume and business plan will be presented. This will be followed by a round of questions and answers. Thereafter, legislators will discuss and, where appropriate, they will agree to the project in which their appointment will be certified, Document details.

however, The session was postponed “until further notice” on the instructions of Senator Morenista Hector Vasconcelos, chair of the Foreign Relations Committee, points to a document that does not provide further details.

This Wednesday, a day after this discussion was postponed, AndAissa Gonzalez’s son, Representative Carlos Aisa Damas, announced that he would vote for the presidential initiative.although the CRP had ordered all lawmakers to join forces and rejected the proposal.

Discover: AMLO proposes two former PRI governors as ambassadors in Barcelona and the Dominican Republic

The legislator argued on his Facebook account that he would support the electrical reform of Lopez Obrador because he is with “the people” and Not “with the whims or interests of a person or group”.

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Issa Gonzalez is not the only CRI candidate proposed by Lopez Obrador for diplomatic posts. He also proposed the position of former governor of Sinaloa Quirino Ordaz as ambassador to Spain – a position for which he had already been ratified and for which he was expelled from the PRI – and Claudia Pavlovic, the former governor of Sonora, consul in Barcelona.

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