Seminar boosts Vietnam-UK cooperation on energy transition

British and Vietnamese academics, scientists and researchers participated in a symposium titled “Future Technologies for Net Zero in 2050: UK and Vietnam” held at Imperial College London (ICL).

During the event (Source: VNA)
During the event (Source: VNA)

LONDON (VNA) – British and Vietnamese academics, scientists and researchers took part in a symposium titled “Future Technologies for Net Zero in 2050: UK and Vietnam” held at Imperial College London (VNA ICL).

The event, co-organised by ICL and the Vietnam Think Tank UK & Ireland (VIS), aims to explore the potential of new technologies to catalyse the clean energy transition in both countries and facilitate collaboration to find solutions to the major challenges in achieving the net zero goal in Vietnam and the UK.

During the symposium, speakers shared new technologies, research and practical experiences in industrial decarbonization, green hydrogen production and conversion, and battery management and storage.

They also discussed the challenges and solutions to achieving Vietnam’s net zero goal, focusing on issues such as renewable energy, green hydrogen, energy storage, circular economy, climate finance, business models, social impacts and policy guidelines on energy transition.

Speaking at the event, VIS representative Yen Tran stressed that the workshop provides Vietnamese scientists with the opportunity to get updates on new UK Net Zero technologies and their applicability in Vietnam, as well as experiences in policy, governance and innovation in energy transition.

He added that many British institutions and organizations are ready to finance and provide advice for green energy and sustainable development projects.

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