Seismologists from six countries participate in a scientific expedition to Cuban waters • Workers

Experts from six countries are participating in a scientific trip to the waters of the Caribbean Sea, focusing on the area surrounding the northern region of Santiago de Cuba, which is considered to have high seismic activity, as part of investigations that will continue until next August.

Porcoa-pass fleet? (Why not?), of French origin, set out on a trip several days ago, within the marine scientific research project HAITI-TWiST, with researchers from Cuba, France, Belgium, Germany, Haiti and the United States, who identify landmarks and geophysicists use equipment to obtain reliable records of possible faults. As indicated by the Communications Center of Santiago Television.

Its goal is to analyze the risks of the active system of the twin faults, located on the northern edge of the Caribbean tectonic plate; Seismographs installed on the ocean floor are scheduled to be recovered.

Dr. Bladimir Moreno Tuaran, a specialist at the National Center for Earthquake Research (SENAES), in Santiago de Cuba, explained that the marine mission also seeks to study the tectonic history and structure of the Earth’s crust, in addition to the mantle found in the region, as well as “characterizing the behavior and movement of the tectonic fault and identifying… Thermal state and the role of fluids in the fault rupture process.

He said that, during the campaign, various geophysical measurements are being analysed, including multi-channel reflection seismic measurements and open-angle seismic measurements with seismometers deposited on the sea floor.

In the expedition, scheduled for about 53 days of travel, Master of Science Madeleine Villalon Simanat is also participating, said Cenais Deputy Director Enrique Diego Arango Arias on Facebook, who added that as a counterpart to the investigations related to the Earth, the conditions and the installation of temporary seismic stations are being prepared to record Acoustic seismic signal emitted by the ship.

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The ship belongs to the IFREMER project and the French Navy. Its name is in honor of the building built in 1907 by the famous French doctor and polar explorer Jean-Baptiste Charcot for use in his expeditions to the North Pole and Antarctica. The original ship sank on September 16, 1936 in Icelandic waters. Almost the entire crew perished in the disaster, including Charcot, and there was only one survivor.

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