Second Symposium on Cultural Exchange, Citizenship and Social Welfare in Mexico

The Department of Sociology of DCSyH of the Autonomous University of Metropolitan-Iztapalapa (UAM-I) and the Intercultural Indigenous University of Michoacán (UIIM-Pátzcuaro), invite
Second Intercultural Research Symposium, Citizenship and Social Welfare in Mexico

Friday, May 24, 2024, from 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m
Location: Cultural Center of the Old Jesuit College
Enseñanza s/n esq. Sewers, Patzcuaro Historic Center, Michoacán

Power point

Multiculturalism can be understood as a permanent process of relationship, communication and learning between different people, groups, knowledge, values ​​and traditions, aiming to generate, build and enhance mutual respect, and the full development of individuals’ capabilities, as above. Their cultural and social differences. The analysis of social processes with a focus on cultural exchange draws attention to knowledge of the values, symbols and social representations of groups and individuals in interaction, and also emphasizes the importance of strengthening processes based on common culture and identity.

The study of citizenship, multiculturalism and sustainability represent challenges for achieving social well-being in Mexico. In this sense, the intercultural context in which different community life projects are developed portends the need to take into account the principles, values ​​and customs expressed in the worldview of indigenous and indigenous peoples to enhance participation in the construction of public policies towards well-being, especially in the case of the state of Michoacán.

In this framework, the Intercultural Indigenous University of Michoacán (UIIM) through the Doctorate in Sustainability and Multicultural Sciences and the Academic Body of Sustainability and Multiculturalism, and the Autonomous Metropolitan University, Unit of Iztapalapa (UAMI), through the Bachelor’s Degree in Political Sciences and the Department of Sociology of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities. , extending a cordial invitation to attend the Second Symposium on Citizenship, Multiculturalism and Sustainability for Social Welfare in Mexico, which will be held on May 24, 2024, in Mexico. Facilities of the former Jesuit College Cultural Center, Enseñanza s/n esq. Alcantarilla, Centro, CP 61600, Patzcuaro, Michoacán.

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Share a space for analysis on the importance of citizenship, multiculturalism and sustainability with the aim of generating proposals that contribute to social well-being in Mexico, especially in the state of Michoacán.

Academic focus

The symposium is framed in the research objectives and projects developed by the convening universities and which respond to the exchange of academic projects by the organizers in their respective research fields and in an interdisciplinary manner. The symposium has its vision

Exchange common experiences and knowledge to compare topics and develop proposals between students, academics and participants based on a pluralistic, critical and respectful perspective on the training, proposals and interventions undertaken by the participants.

See the program >>

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