Science, technology and innovation in proposing a new constitution

National scholars and researchers assert that the proposal establishes normative and ethical guidelines for research, assuring freedom for researchers, their enlightening relationship with nature and the need to direct it towards integral development.

a few days ago A prestigious international scientific journal temper nature He published an article in which, based on comparison and research by other scholars, he examined the articles of the new draft constitution relating to science, technology, scientific research, and environmental care, among other topics.

The publication called the text a “new bestseller”, and revealed that a large portion of the national science researchers who studied the text had found “many things they like,” highlighting from its editorial line that “It contains a series of articles designed to advance science, expand environmental protection, and improve the nation’s educational system“.

Specifically, the article temper nature notes that although “in a manner similar to the present constitution, the proposal requires that the state ‘stimulate’ science and technology, Which is critical for a country that has systematically invested, over the past decade, less than 0.4% of its GDP in these areas. For this reason, he highlights that the draft “goes further” and “in one of its articles states that the state should rely on science to ensure ‘continuous improvement’ of public services and goods.”

In this sense, the article cites Sociologist Jose Ortiz Carmonathis is in 2021 report His title “Science, Technology, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship in the Constitutions of the World” compares how science is represented in 193 constitutions, revealing that the Great Charter of 1980 “contains only brief and weak references to science.”

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The article also cites voices critical of the text, such as that of University of Los Andes legal researcher Soledad Bertelsen, who confirmed she was concerned about There is no mention of intellectual property rights”, guaranteed in the current constitution, arguing that entrepreneurs can decide to take their investments out of Chile.

Around, Researcher and sociologist specializing in education at the University of Chile, Victor Orellanapointed out, to El Mostrador, that the current constitution (1980) promotes “an overly formal concept of research”, which would not allow for the substantive development of various disciplines.

For Orellana “The New Constitution Establishes normative and ethical guidelines for research, ensuring freedom for researchers, their constructive relationship with nature, and the need to direct it towards integral development. And this, linked to the institutional progress of rebuilding public higher education, lays the foundation for a transformation in the field of research, overcoming the current formalism of public indicators.

In this regard, during the keynote address given at the 41st Marine Science Conference held at UCSC, Former traditionalist, Dr. Cristina Dorador, Researcher in the School of Marine Sciences and Biological Resources at the University of AntofagastaHe pointed out that “we have multiple challenges that must be addressed in the country, and visions from science and research are strictly required, and they often exist, but they do not reach those who take decisions.”

In this sense, Dorador highlights that “There is an article in the new constitution that states that man has an indissoluble relationship with natureWhich changes the ethics of understanding and the role that humans play in their environment. It is interesting how scientific knowledge and thought help in discussing some of the terms used in politics.”

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According to Dr. Dorador, the role of scientists and researchers is closely related to reducing the gaps that exist between politics and science, “but for this it is absolutely necessary that we researchers play a more active and participatory role in our relationship with the environment as much as possible.”

In this sense, Dorador highlights that the new text “not only advances content related to issues of knowledge and science, but we also create democratic mechanisms to make the demands of people of different groups a reality, including science. We researchers are not the ones who participate in political spaces, and with That is, climate change is a good example of the role of scientists, who through political negotiations have achieved the Paris Agreement.”

for the world If the proposal is approved on September 4 “We will have a very interesting constitutional body, especially for knowledge, but it is necessary for the scientific research community to play a participatory role, to organize itself and to be aware of the bills.”

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