Science, research and technology within the reach of the elderly

The the elderly And it remains on many occasions on the margins of scientific and technological diffusion, which is one of the main gaps facing this population group. In an effort to combat them, the City of Arts and Sciences has launched a program targeting them that allows them to Access to informational and cultural content from the complex.

It’s about the program City of majors, a proposal for visits aimed exclusively at groups of elderly people associated with municipal centers for the elderly and the development of activities for active aging in the hands of Valencian community municipalities who wish to join this initiative. The Visits to the Hemisfèric Cinema or the Museu de les Ciències It can be completed with a guided tour of the Palau de la Generalitat. All this in collaboration with the Federation of Municipalities and Provinces of Valencia (FVMP).

To bring this science, technology, and research aspect closer to senior citizens’ groups, last September the City of Arts and Sciences approved a special rate Hemisfèric Cinema and the Museu de les Ciències with the aim of presenting more than 500 domestic companies From the Valencian region the possibility of developing visits targeting this sector of the population. It presents the contents of the exhibition for its various centers and projections of various scientific and cultural topics.

As indicated by the Regional Public Company, several Valencia City Councils have already been interested in La Ciutat dels Majors, which offers tickets to the Hemisfèric or the Museum at €4.70 per person and which is complete with Free guided visit to the Palau de la GeneralitatOn the occasion of the 600th anniversary of the construction of the building. To join the program, it is necessary to contact the City of Arts and Sciences via email [email protected] or by phone 961975544.

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