Science Festival concludes in Russia

MOSCOW, October 10 (Prensa Latina) The 15th All-Russian Nauka 0+ Science Festival concludes today with the participation of five Nobel Prize winners and scientific publishing activities in 80 of the country’s 85 regions.

This year, three Nobel Prize winners in Chemistry gave lectures: Frenchman Jean-Marie Lane and Sydney Altman, in 1987 and 1989, respectively, and German Robert Huber, in 1988. Also South Korean Ray Kun Chung, 2007 Nobel Peace Prize team member UN experts on climate change; and the Japanese Takaaki Kajita from Physics in 2015.

Launched on October 8, this event is one of the main initiatives published by the Year of Science and Technology in Russia, aimed at promoting scientific development.

Nauka (Science in Russian) included exhibitions, virtual laboratories, presentations, discussions, science film screenings, robot competitions and a showcase of the latest developments developed by leading Russian technology companies.

Organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of this country, the office of the mayor of this capital and Moscow State University with the support of the Academy of Sciences, the festival has been attended by more than 25 million people since 2006, according to the news agency. Sputnik.

rgh / mml

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