Science discovers why some people hear the voices of the dead – teach me about science

For a long time and in various places on this planet, I have heard stories and testimonies of people being able to perceive the voices of those who have died, and although these stories can pass as merely something spiritual (without any scientific basis to support or validate them), the truth is That there are those who studied these cases.

According to recent research by Durham University in the United Kingdom, a higher predisposition to high levels of absorption, unusual auditory experiences during childhood, and a high susceptibility to auditory hallucinations occur more strongly in the medium. clairaudient They describe themselves more than the general population.

These spiritual experiences of clairvoyance and mindfulness (the ability or ability to hear something that is not in the ear but is considered to have objective reality or is attributed to “spiritual entities”) are of great interest to the scientific community. , for both anthropologists dedicated to studying these events in different regions of the world, and psychologists and psychiatrists who are dedicated to studying hallucinations, pathological events, and brain changes in individuals.

According to the researchers, the research results can help us better understand the auditory and hallucinatory states of patients with schizophrenia and similar mental disorders. Spiritualists tend to report unusually positive listening experiences, beginning early in life, and often under control. explained Dr Peter Moseley, a psychologist in the Department of Psychology Newcastle upon Tyne and lead author of the study. “Understanding how it develops is important because it can also help us understand more about the painful or uncontrollable experiences of hearing voices.”

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In their study, the researchers used a sample of 208 individuals, of whom 65 were clairaudient mediators from the UK’s National Spiritualist Federation, and 143 were lay individuals (who served as a negative control). Overall, nearly 45% of Spiritualists reported the ability to perceive sounds on a daily basis, and only 31.7% of them asserted that they are not limited to “inner voices,” but also to external ones. The results also showed that Spiritualists had their first listening experience when they were young, i.e. before the age of 30, combined with a high level of assimilation (full immersion in mental tasks and activities or altered states).

On the other hand, in the control group, higher levels of uptake were closely related to belief in the paranormal. In both groups, there were no differences in levels of belief in the paranormal and susceptibility to visual hallucinations.

“Our findings say a lot about learning and longing. For participants, principles of spirituality seem to make sense both for the unusual experiences of childhood and for the repetitive auditory phenomena they experience as modes of practice.” It’s a statement Dr.. Adam Powell, of Durham University’s Department of Theology and Religion, Phonics Project.

“But all of these experiences may result from having certain early tendencies or abilities more than just a belief in the possibility of contacting the dead if one tries hard enough.”

According to experts, future research should explore a variety of cultural contexts to better understand the relationship between assimilation and beliefs about whispering ghosts in the ear.

The search was published in Mental health, religion and culture.

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