Scholarships from Roche Institute for Data Science Training

Data science

… the wording.
The Roche Institute Foundation She announced the third edition of her training aid. These grants are for an area Data science in personalized and accurate medicine. The goal is to complete a master’s degree at any accredited university or institution in the national territory during the academic year 2021-2022. On this third call, three scholarships will be awarded, on a competitive basis, as financial aid to cover tuition fees up to a maximum of 7,000 Euros each.

The scholarship will allow selected individuals to further their training in all major areas of data science. It refers to biomedicine, bioinformatics, medical informatics, decision support system, omics science, “machine learning”, artificial intelligence, personal precision medicine, among others.

The scholarship will allow selected individuals to further their training in all major areas of data science

This call from the Roche Institute Foundation highlights the need to incorporate new data science professional profiles into the healthcare system. This has been collected in the document Digital transformation of the healthcare system to integrate customized precision medicine. It is a document promoted by the Foundation that emphasizes the training of future professionals as a key tool for the complete transformation of the national health system, as well as ensuring that customized precision medicine is implemented and integrated into healthcare and that Spain is at the forefront of innovation in health.

These scholarships are intended for graduates of biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, statistics, medicine, pharmacy, biomedicine and biotechnology. Also for engineers in the branch of computing and electronics (information technology, telecommunications, etc.).

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Data science is already in place, and thanks to it, it will be possible to analyze, interpret, and extract knowledge that will be useful in the field of future medicine.Shedding light on the managing director of the foundation, Consuelo Martin de Dios.

Both the rules and the scholarship application form are available on the Roche Institute Foundation website

Both the rules and the grant application form are available on the Roche Institute website and applications can be submitted until June 30, 2021. Interested persons should send the documents to the following email: becacienciadedatos @ Institutoroche.

Last year, the number of applications received increased compared to the first edition, reaching a total of 34 candidates. A graduate of Biology from the University of Alcalá and a PhD in Neuroscience from the Autonomous University of Madrid. Berta Segura; PhD in Microbiology from the University of Extremadura and Post-Doctorate from the University of Minnesota (USA), Jonathan Gomez; A degree in Biology and a Doctorate in Molecular Medicine from the University of Santiago de Compostela, Xaquín Gurriarán.

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