the capacity scheduled affiliate Airlines The number of seats fell to just under 107 million, down 0.5% from last week. This seems to be due to The capacity changes only in two regionsrather than a general geographic downsizing in air services. The main changes in planned airline capacity are occurring in Asia and Western Europe. In this last region of Greece, Germany and the United Kingdom.
According to a report by OAG, an international aviation intelligence consulting firm, This -0.5% means that this week airlines are operating their schedules with 620,000 fewer seats than last week., a decrease of 0.9%. This brings the total capacity in the domestic markets to 66 million seats.
global capacity of airlines In national operations, it’s currently up 2.4% from the same week of 2019.
The number of international seats this week increased by only 0.1% from last week at 40.8 million. International capacity is now 9.9% lower than the same week in 2019
fountain: OAG
The graph provides a weekly overview by region of domestic, international and total seat capacity for the current week compared to the same week in 2019 and the previous week.
In the next two months, planned capacity will come somewhat close to 2019 operating capacity, but international capacity will still be well below 2019 levels.
The main weekly changes in airline capacity scheduled for this week occur in Asia and Western Europe.
The most significant change this week for international capacity is the addition of 227,000 seats in Western Europe, with Greece, Germany and the UK adding large numbers of seats.
In Asia, the Northeast is seeing a decline in domestic seats of 391,000, largely due to a decrease of 296,000 in China and another 99,000 in Japan. South Asia has a domestic capacity reduction of 203,000 seats, of which 199,000 are in India. Southeast Asia is also seeing a decline in domestic capacity of 156,000 seats, mainly due to declining domestic capacity in Indonesia and Vietnam.
By regions and weekly variation
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